徐詩杰 嘉義 成大交管系 畢業 交大運管所 碩一 WOO LAB 排球 音樂 自我介紹 1. Moonkyu Lee and Lawrence F. Cunningham Transportation Quarterly Vol.50 No.2 Spring 1996 P.57-72 指導老師:任維廉.


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Presentation transcript:

徐詩杰 嘉義 成大交管系 畢業 交大運管所 碩一 WOO LAB 排球 音樂 自我介紹 1

Moonkyu Lee and Lawrence F. Cunningham Transportation Quarterly Vol.50 No.2 Spring 1996 P 指導老師:任維廉 教授 報告人:徐詩杰

Introduction The service Loyalty Framework The Airline Industry Environment Different perspectives and viewpoints of Customer Loyalty Conclusions and Discussion Outline 3

The airline industry was deregulated in 1978 One strategy suggested for the survival and growth of service firms is to develop and maintain customer loyalty, or a long term relationship with their customers. 41% cited a decline in the airline service quality, and 22% said they would change the airlines they patronized. Introduction 4

Service Quality Economic Cost Transaction Cost Switching Cost The service Loyalty Framework 5

After deregulation in 1978 Allow to set prices Enter and exit the industry upon meeting insurance and safety requirement Price cutting strategies Lack of marketing sophistication The recession of 1980’s Service quality continued to deteriorate in the late 1980’s The Airline Industry Environment 6

Jordan(1970) and Douglas and Miller(1974) Flight frequency Load factors Transit time Type of aircraft The Economist Approach 7

Air Travel Consumer Report(1987-present) Airline on-time performance and flight delays Mishandle baggage Overbooking Consumer complaints Weakness Airline self-report bias Only catch some passenger’s complaints The Government Response to Airline Service Quality 8

Parasuraman, Berry, and Zeithaml(1987-present) SERVQUAL Quantitative method Tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy Weakness More generic rather than industry-specific Bitner, et al(1990) CIT ( critical incident technique ) Qualitative method Response to “special needs” Weakness Data are hard to analyze Categorizations are subjected to researchers’ bias The Consumer Researcher Perspective 9

Kearney(1986) basis of accessibility of delayed flight information airlines’ response to delayed flights attractiveness of lower fares to encourage flying during non-peak periods Seat comfort availability of pre-assigned seats and non-stop flights Gourdin and Kloppenborg(1991) convenient departure times convenient arrival times boarding security checks Prompt meaningful flight information The Industry Specialist 10

Airline Quality Rating 80 factors  19 factors Such as : on-time performance, number of accident, flight problem, delayed boarding, mishandled baggage, and etc. Morash and Ozment(1994) Airline core service flows Airline peripheral service flows Airline communication flows Airline capacity utilization Weakness Factor is through experts opinion The measures are used without rigorous evaluations of construct validity or statistical reliability The approach does not take consumer expectations into account It overlooks variables related to customers’ repeat patronage or switching behavior The Industry Specialist 11

Zagat(1993) Use four quality variables to determine the service value Comfort 、 service 、 reliability/timeliness 、 food quality 、 and cost J. D. Power and Associates(1993) 40 service variables from : Preflight factors Inflight factors Post-flight factors Weakness Lack of cost factor The problems are same as the Industry Specialist approach The Consulting Company Approach 12



1.The research relevant to airline service quality and loyalty should identify and incorporate various cost measures 2.Airline service quality is a multifaceted phenomenon, so use multiple methods not a single party’s point-of-view 3.Need to develop theoretical taxonomies of airline service variables and purify the measures of service quality and loyalty. 4.Future research should employ the methodologies such as longitudinal approach that can capture the dynamic nature of service quality evaluations and loyalty formations 5.Airline service quality should be tracked over time Conclusions 15

研究服務品質的評估方法,除了考量主觀性的判斷指 標外,客觀性或是具有理論分析的因素也要一併列入 考量,才能使評估結果得到完整且客觀的分析,對於 服務上品質與成本的拿捏,更需要依賴多元性的評估 方法來維持一定顧客忠誠度。 除了持續發展適當的評估方法來衡量服務品質外,航 空企業應將成本因素納入考量,並且對服務品質做動 態的追蹤檢視,畢竟當期的服務將會影響消費者對下 一期服務的預期,直到形成顧客忠誠度,消費者對服 務品質的感覺和期望也會隨時間做動態變化,長期且 密集的監視服務品質是維持顧客忠誠度的重要步驟。 Discussion 16

Thanks for listening : ) 17