Transportation Planning Organization(TPO) City Council Workshop November 12, 2013
BACKGROUND Every 10 years the U. S. Bureau of the Census issues a list of urbanized areas Most recent list includes the Palm Coast-Daytona Beach-Port Orange Urbanized Area (formerly Daytona Beach-Port Orange-Ormond Beach Urbanized Area) By Federal law, urbanized areas of more than 50,000 must be part of a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Expansion of Urbanized area requires expansion of TPO planning area and the reapportionment of voting membership
CURRENT BOUNDARIES Current Volusia TPO covers all of Volusia County and the Cities of Flagler Beach and Beverly Beach in Flagler County
PROPOSED BOUNDARIES Include portions of Palm Coast, Bunnell, unincorporated Flagler County east of US-1.
PROPOSED BOUNDARIES Include portions of Palm Coast, Bunnell, unincorporated Flagler County east of US-1.
WHAT IS A TPO ? TPO is responsible for preparation, approval, and implementation of the urban transportation planning and programming process for the Transportation Planning Area served by the TPO Maintain and approve planning documents like Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), Project Priority List, Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), distribute set-aside funding (XU funds), other duties in by-laws TPO Board Composed of 19 elected officials from member jurisdictions (maximum seats established by state law) 1/3 must be County representatives Expansion of planning area requires reapportionment of voting seats
PROPOSED REAPPORTIONMENT OF TPO BOARD VOTING MEMBERSHIP Palm Coast, Flagler County receives a full seat Bunnell becomes part of an alliance which includes Flagler Beach, Beverly Beach, and other smaller cities in Volusia County Seats are weighted based on population
WHAT IS A TPO ? TPO Board has advisory boards: Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) – Staff member Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) – Appointed by Board Member Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)- Appointed by Board Member Subcommittees Airports, Highways, Mass Transit, Transportation needs of "transportation disadvantaged" groups, Reapportionment, Bylaws, Nominating Committee, Legislative Issues, Budget
AS A TPO MEMBER Currently, City annually submits a priority list to Flagler County City will submit priority list to TPO Update on Status of City Priority List Priority #1- Old Kings Road Extension (Forest Grove Dr. to Matanzas Woods Pkwy.) – Full-funding $5.7 million for FY 2014/15 Same timeline as Matanzas Woods Pkwy/I-95 Interchange Project Priority #2- State Road 100 & I-95 Turn lanes - Design in FY 2014/15, Construction in FY 2016/17
AS A TPO MEMBER Priority #3 – Old Kings Road 4-laning (PC Pkwy. to Forest Grove Dr.) – Potential funding for segment in FY 2018/19 TPO has policy to protect partially funded project’s priority until completion Proposed funding meets objectives of having City’s 5-year priorities in the FDOT Work Program Other projects not funded will be placed on TPO priority list Availability of Other Funding Programs XU funding – Annual allocation of funds for projects within the TPO boundaries. Annual application cycle Competitive grants Requires match
AS A TPO MEMBER Approximately $4.8 million Approximately $1.8 million for Traffic Operations/Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)/Safety Projects, $1.4 million for Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects, and $1.4 million for transit projects Other funding sources- Transportation Alternatives (Enhancement Funds) Approximately $475,000 annually Eligible projects include bicycle/pedestrian facilities, recreational trails, safe routes to schools projects (infrastructure or education programs)
RECENT TPO ACTIONS In preparation for the expansion of the TPO, by-laws were amended (with coordination from new members) Change in name from Volusia TPO to River to Sea TPO (change effective after formation of new TPO) Change of regular Board meeting date to 4 th Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (previous date and time was in conflict with City Council workshop) More inclusive of membership on sub-committees
REQUESTED CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS Resolution to Approve Recommended Planning Area and Seat Reapportionment
NEXT STEPS Expanded planning area and seat reapportionment plan will be forwarded to Governor’s Office for approval. City Council Action After Governor’s Approval: Interlocal Agreement which Creates the new TPO (all TPO members) Appointment of City Council member to TPO Board Appointment of City representatives to TPO Advisory Boards Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee Citizens Advisory Committee Technical Coordinating Committee – Planning Staff, will provide assistance to City TPO Board member and Advisory committee members
NEXT STEPS TPO Action After Governor’s Approval (Seated TPO Board includes new members) Update of 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Short term update to include projects on priority list Creation of 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan begins in 2014 Update of 5-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Include new members’ projects Update of TPO Priority List Approval of Other Planning and Coordination Agreements