Strengthening families through prevention and partnership
California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Samantha Basquez, CalWORKs Employment Bureau, Welfare-to-Work Program Manager Merced County Feliza Sanchez, MSW, Linkages Coordinator, CWS Heidi Hall, Employment Services Program Manager, Welfare-to-Work Madera County Terry Hurt, Linkages Coordinator, CalWORKs Patricia Caudillo, Linkages Coordinator, CWS 2
Welcome to… Family Stabilization Samantha Basquez, California Department of Social Services
Effective January 1, 2014, a new component of the CalWORKs program that provides intensive case management and services to clients that may be in addition to those provided by the county’s WTW program who are experiencing an identified situation and/or crisis Implemented pursuant to AB 74 (Chapter 21, Statutes of 2013) and amended pursuant to SB 855 (Chapter 29, Statutes of 2014) Family Stabilization Assembly Bill 74 (Chapter 21, Statutes of 2013)
Funding $10.8 Million in additional funding was provided to CWDs for FY $26.8 Million in additional funding was provided to CWDs for FY Funds allocated for FS are in addition to and independent of the county Single Allocation
Client/Family Case Management Provide Referrals Develop FS Plans Regular Contact Monitor Progress Increased level and intensity of case management Must carry a lower caseload Increased contact with clients
County Family Stabilization Plan Submittals County FS Plans submitted to the CDSS include: What types of services will be provided; How FS Intensive Case Management will be implemented; What types of partnerships will be developed and how clients will be linked to providers; and How clients will be informed of the FS program.
Eligibility All individuals required to participate in WTW and who have time remaining on their WTW 24-Month Time Clock are eligible to be evaluated for Family Stabilization. FS services are available for eligible adults and their families, including children.
Individual Client/Family Stabilization Plans Clients have a “Stabilization Plan” with no minimum hourly participation requirements, it should: Enhance the family’s ability to resolve issues Provide referrals to appropriate services needed to assist the family Monitor the family’s progress toward making the necessary changes to improve their situation or crisis
Services Provides additional support to families who are experiencing an identified situation or crisis including but not limited to the following: Housing assistance; Domestic violence; Mental health or substance abuse-related needs; and Other county identified services.
FS Data Reporting Data is collected via the CalWORKs Family Stabilization Quarterly Status Report (FSP 14) CWDs are required to report on: Caseload information; Services provided; and Denials due to lack of availability of funding or services.
Guidance Released ACL – California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs): Family Stabilization Program ACL California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs): Family Stabilization (FS) Program Guidance, Notices, And Request Form ACL California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Family Stabilization Program (FS) Quarterly Status Report FSP 14 (7/14) Guidance Pending- ACIN: Questions and Answers for the Family Stabilization Program
Questions & Answers If you have any additional questions that we were unable to answer today, please CDSS program contacts: Samantha Basquez Taleni Swanson
Serving the Homeless in our Community & Linkages
First Tier ◦ Homeless ◦ First time clients between the age of with one or more significant barrier Second Tier ◦ All other clients with two or more significant barriers
In 2014 we developed the practice model for Family Stabilization ◦ Developed a training plan – the Helping Professional ◦ Developed assessment tools, service plans, and referral process Launch our Practice in January 2015 Engaged Homeless Clients ◦ 82 families housed ◦ 84 clients in WTW ◦ 22 clients in Family Stabilization
Team Composition ◦ Employment & Training Workers ◦ Social Workers ◦ Leadership for Life Workers Program Support ◦ Resources (Housing Support, Subsidized Employment, Community Partners) ◦ Helping Professionals Training
Adapted from Child Welfare training curriculum Coordinated effort between Staff Development and Subject Matter Experts Four and a half days of training Transfer of Learning to reinforce
Training Topics ◦ Interactional Helping Skills ◦ Strength-Based/Solution Focused Interviewing ◦ Motivational Interviewing ◦ Bio-psychosocial & Strengths Assessments ◦ Indicators of Abuse & Neglect ◦ Worker Safety
Home Visitors Intensive In-Home Services with the Family Holistic Multidisciplinary Case Staffing Case Collaboration for SDM low risk families
Madera County Department of Social Services Linkages and Family Stabilization Prevention and Differential Response for ER referrals
Madera County, has a population of approximately 152,465. It is located in the exact center of California, in the heart of the Central Valley and the Central Sierras, approximately 20 miles from the Fresno Metropolitan Area, and hosts a section of Yosemite National Park. The city of Madera is the county seat with a population of approximately 57,000. Madera County is rich in agriculture including dairy production, livestock, grapes, almonds and other nut crops.
Madera County Linkages Program Linkages Program
Madera County Linkages Program Linkages Program CasesER Referrals 5/1/ /26/ /5/ /24/ /12/
Prevention & Differential Response Connecting Family Stabilization ETW’s to: – Evaluated out Referrals Children not at risk of child abuse or neglect Families that can benefit from Family Stabilization services Assess Family for Housing Assistance eligibility – Unsubstantiated Referrals Provide intensive Family Stabilization services to address concerns Assess Family for Housing Assistance eligibility
Intake Screener Referral ER Investigation ER SW WTW Office Assistant Open Case Family Stabilization Housing Support Program SW & WTW FS/HSP Case Managers Linkages Staffing Joint Case Plan E-O Housing Support Program Unsubstantiated 6 mos 12 mos 18 mos Close Case
Madera County Linkages Program If you have any additional questions that we were unable to answer today, please Madera County program contacts: Patricia Caudillo, MSW Terry Hurt, Psy.D Miguel Gonzalez, MBA
Table Talk ◦ How might the approaches you heard about today work in your county? ◦ What might you do the same or different?