1 1 Management Tools for Enhancing the Composition of Survey Response Q2008 European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics Rome, July 2008 Anne Sundvoll, Bengt Oscar Lagerstrøm Øyvin Kleven, Tora Löfgren, Statistics Norway
2 Outline A growing focus on how to improve response rates, minimize response bias and monitor fieldwork costs during the fieldwork period Combination of easily retrieved administrative data and process data make continuous monitoring of survey variable of interest possible The task is to maximize the result, given certain constraints as time or costs
3 SIV – A system for managing multi mode data collection Co-ordinates CATI, CAPI, CAWI and Paper Questionnaires Master Management system Updates, reports and graphs Quick and continuous re-scheduling of actions
4 In House Case Management Deliver Cases Extract Data CATI CAWI CASI Blaise Data Server Progress Report Third Party Data In House Data Store Blaise Input Data Store Blaise CATI Service CAPI CADI 4
5 Examples of Administrative Data Mode(s) Data collection period and dates of actions Budget Number of Interviewers Interviewer characteristics
6 Examples of Process Data Response rate Composition of nonresponse –Refusal rate –Non-contact rate Telephone coverage Workload Cost
7 Management Tools - description Snapshots of the data collection process Intervention must be possible Transparent and predictable management system
8 Data we would like to monitor During the data collection process, we would like to monitor the composition of….. Process data Auxiliary data Target variables
9 Examples of Quality Indicators Response rate Non-response rate Response bias Response burden Revisions Errors
10 Monitoring of Process Variables
11 Monitoring of Auxiliary Variables
12 Monitoring of Target Variables
13 Post stratification by background variables
14 Benchmarking by data from previous rounds
15 Examination of multiple bias
16 Management Tools - Challenges Get used to communicate through data displays High skilled project managers Demand of quick re-sceduling procedures
17 Management Tool - Limitations May draw attention away from serious measurement problems May indicate more than one issue of concern May add new bias
18 Further work Development of SIV Experiences from real-time data collections Development of more sophisticated management tools