Beginning PGP 2600 JAN09
What? OpenPGP is the proposed standard. – (RFC 2440, 3156, 4880, 5081, etc) OpenPGP is not a program. PGP and GnuPG are computer programs that implement the OpenPGP standard.
Who? - Phil Zimmerman Created PGP in 1991 Arms Trafficker? Given Book Cred in the Da Vinci Code
Who? - Werner Koch Initially Developed GnuPG in 1999 Head of Office and German Vice- Chancellor of the Free Software Foundation Europe.
Why? – All your crap is cleartext Data – See above
How? Create your keys – gpg --gen-key Follow prompts – gpg --list-keys To Confirm Create your revocation key – gpg --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke $KEYID
How? Exporting keys – gpg --armor --output jberg.asc --export – Put jberg.asc whereever you want
How? Importing keys – gpg --import jberg.asc – gpg --list-keys – gpg --edit-key Command> fpr Command> sign (follow prompts) Command> check
Now What? Send signed and/or encrypted – Thunderbird /w Enigmail (32-bit only currently) – Mutt – Kmail
Now What? Encrypt your crap – To create an encrypted file gpg -c test.txt (then enter your password) – To decrypt an encrypted file gpg test.txt.gpg – Useful if you don't trust where your files are stored.
Now What? Encrypt your crap to send to people with keys – gpg --armor --encrypt file.tar.gz ensure you've imported the key of who you're sending to Decrypt his/her crap – gpg --decrypt file.tar.gz.asc
References GnuPrivacyGuardHowto m/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto m/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto Linux HOWTO: Secure Your Data with PGP, Part 1 aA Linux HOWTO: Secure Your Data with PGP, Part 2 Wyo