tonyfish Investor, entrepreneur and author Connecting the dots…. Source Nov ‘11
Framing: mobile : digital : loyalty
“I was wrong” Profit is secondary
“If we do not make opinions clear, we will simply find confirmatory facts. ….. No one has ever failed to find the facts they are looking for."
Stuff that Costs money Stuff that has to be bigger strategy consulting trivia disruption Stuff that money cannot buy Love Presents for your wife Networking Faith
Here’s the issue…
customer Spending cash As the product loyalty cost reward marketing BRAND values experience Switching costs comparison Retain margin pricing position data analysis steer Market pressures…. Mobile makes it easy to swop, compare and reduces barriers….. Conflict between driving cost out and bringing in more engagement.
Intangible Active (explicit give data) Facebook Targeting Loyalty card Amazon Benefit to data provider Tangible Passive (implied indirect) Personal Data Points FREE “items” Google
We all need data
Internet and beliefs
intelligenceintelligence analysis personalisation passive activity what we do what the web does The Internet needs you!
web services and value creation of content consumption of content data store analysis Symbiotic Relationship Web business depend on consumer data Data business consumer digital data trade
Signal Spike Pulse Wave Trend
Actual User Data Actual User Data Actual User Data “The Business” The User Direct feedback In Direct feedback two sided digital business friends social norms
Why is mobile so important? on this screen in this earpiece consume createionx content where time intent direction who
10 unique benefits of mobile …. the first personal mass media …. is permanently carried …. is always on …. has a built-in payment mechanism …. is available at the point of creative inspiration …. has the most accurate audience measurement.… captures the social context of media consumption …. allows augmented reality to be used in mediaaugmented reality …. offers a digital interface to the real world …. touch made computing human
Personal Data
Personal branding ME SOCIAL DIGITAL Private Social influenceSocial capital Algorithmic authority Pattern recognition Digital audit Social branding Social filters Validation Behavioural DNA Signals Behavioural signals Social intelligence Context Reputation Status Intent Barter Profiling Digital footprint Pulse Waves Location Preferences Social graph Interest graph
Questions How is All Data and My Data related? Do you believe that everyone has the same opinion as you?
6 models for ALL DATA and My DATA The Righteous modelThe Visionary model The Idealistic model The Evolution modelThe Private modelThe replication model
Questions How are My Data and Identity related? Do you believe that everyone has the same opinion as you?
The 5 models of My Data and Identity The Related model The Inseparable model The Subset modelThe GreaterThan model The Multiple Me model
Questions How is My Data and My Rights related? Do you believe that everyone has the same opinion as you?
The 4 models of My Data and Rights The Extension model The Control model The Right model The Real model
A Two Sided Digital Business Model where your Privacy will be someone else's business ! Tony Fish Oct 2009 Free on line Free PDF Kindle Print
How I react to analysis of my data How my social group in influenced by the analysis of my data Data embedded in my content and interactions Data embedded in my social networks content and interactions with me What I say about myself What others say about me What the analysis says about What the analysis says about me in my social context What is a digital footprint?
Can you control it? Purchase behaviour Payment experience settlement Screen experience Device Software Network Billing Access Setup Applications Memory When Influence Time Location Need Pressure Urgency Context “place” Touch Card Wallet Balance Credit History Cash Machine Location Technology Card Bank Receipts Ether Clearing What data for - Loyalty? - Rewards?
Who creates identity? – not me
government education parents family and friends influencers, filters and those I follow news Bias and experience beliefs that I like my behaviour, habits, routes and routines So who creates identity? : no one
an identity doesn’t create value
Source: My Digital Footprint physical me behavioural me claims and history me DNA finger print iris scan medical records academic achievements professional achievements images photos voice eye colour hair colour height home addresses brands events bank and credit patterns routes routines activity Social me cost value from others from me usage blogstweets habits friends likes comments attention preferences links blogs friends likes comments links video tags official documents video photos
Google doesn't want your identity – it wants the data that gives you identity
trigger (spike) reflection (pulse) refinement (wave) stable (signal) reputation influence authority relevancy preference credibility trust reach
If money (a currency) is a token that must be..... a currency (token) should be Durable, Transferrable, Exchangeable, Recognised, Divisible, Accessible, Standardised, Difficult to forge/ counterfeit, Valued, Available, cannot be Created by everyone; Should your reputation, influence or attention be exchangeable for goods and services - probably, but how should they be valued? Memory of a previous exchange Store of some value Medium of exchange Measure of value then reputation, influence, and attention cannot be a currency.....
Shades of data abuse acceptableunacceptable TRAITS Open Transparent Known Trusted Value add Engaging TRAITS Closed Secret Unknown Un-trusted Value destroying Fraud/ theft blissannoyingcreepydisturbingunethical
@tonyfish this is a load of ****!
@tonyfish less disruption, show me the evidence
take away’s
Don’t assume
Market is completely open
A mobile strategy is not an iApp
Can the digital you be owned?
Do you know the influencer
“Trust” could be the problem
It is about owning feedback
Match the standards
It what you do with it that matters
Disruption is free - strategy is complex and expensive
Data is a commodity & ownership is unimportant. Value will be retained by those who own the feedback loop, who can get deep & dirty in the transformation of data to create value & can marry complexity with uncertainty In the new kingdom, loyalty is dead, privacy is a setting, trust is the challenger, the princes’ are brands, the princesses are simplicity, attention is queen and data is king.
Thank you