Proposed Revisions Parts 601, 608, 610
Decision memo signed by Chief on March 27, 2012 on regionalizing soil survey Need to have agency directives reflect the new structure General Manual National Soil Survey Handbook National Ecological Site Handbook
Updated as part of the recent agency-wide reorganization Every part of the agency had to review and submit changes to GM Subpart D – Role of State Soil Scientist Subpart G – Soil Survey Offices as an entity Subpart H – Regional Offices as a subsection of the Soil Science Division GM-430 will be revised in the future
Designed around the MLRA Soil Survey Offices and Soil Survey Regional Offices Operating procedures will be similar to those in NSSH First sections were recently open for comment period Other sections for be released as completed
Each State has a State Soil Scientist Leads and coordinates technical soil services Leads NCSS efforts and conducts state work planning conferences Works closely with soil survey offices (and regions) to coordinate state’s needs for: Soil survey Additional technical soil services Other support
State Conservationists provide feedback to regional offices through regional advisory boards (under construction) National level coordination through advisory teams (under construction) Division renamed Soil Science Division
Terminology revised Soil Survey Regional Directors – PD classification Team leader was not correct title, Director was MO Leader now Regional Director MO also changed to Soil Survey Region as a result Board of Advisors – redefinition of role of STC Feedback mechanism to SSRDs and NHQ Ecological Site Specialists – to mirror NESH Other working titles remained same
Added ecological sites to NCSS responsibilities of soil survey offices Reworded role of SSS (other specifics in 608) Soil Survey Regional Offices references standard operating procedures vs. region-wide MOU Added ecological site inventory
Added technical responsibility for National Headquarters FOTG science-related policies and procedures Implementation strategies Technical expertise in use of soils information for: Models including RUSLE2, WEPS, WinPST, WEPP, and EPIC
Added National Geospatial Center of Excellence (NGCE) Formerly National Geospatial Management Center Functions and responsibility very similar National Soil Survey Center responsibilities Added ecological site inventory and National Ecological Site Handbook
NHQ New position of Associate Director for Soil Operations SS Regional Offices Communicate to STCs via Board of Advisors Coordinate activities of the Management Team(s) standard operating procedures spell out specifics on business steps, structure, and team member responsibilities
SS Regional Offices (continued) Review and approve project plans Coordinate mapping goals and progress reporting Supervise MLRA soil survey leaders Provide administrative support to soil survey offices
Board of Advisors Made up of State Conservationists As applicable, representatives from Federal, State, University and other NCSS partners Provides broad management direction to Soil Survey Regional Director and management teams Reviews progress and performance for both soil survey and ecological site activities
Board of Advisors (continued) Feedback to Associate Director for Soil Operations used for performance reviews Reviews management team recommendations on project priorities local needs are in balance with State and National issues provides alternate advice
Consist of: Soil Survey Regional Directors State Soil Scientists State Resource Conservationists Other appropriate state technical leaders Federal, State, University and other partners as applicable
Develop specific operating procedures which outline structure, chairmanship, and roles Review and concur with technical team recommendations on project priorities Assist the Soil Survey Regional Director in administering technical soil services in soil survey offices
Consist of: MLRA soil survey office staff Soil survey regional office staff State Soil Scientists Resource Soil Scientists NCSS partners Other applicable discipline specialists MLRA Soil Survey Leader serves as chair
Gathers and consolidates each State’s needs in long-range plan Develops proposed priorities Assists MLRA SSL to draft plans for management team review Formulates recommendations for regional office approval
Lead staff State Soil Scientist State Resource Conservationist Provide technical and ecological site services and develop interpretations Serve on management teams Specific role in management team operating procedures
Responsibility moved to soil survey regional offices See National Bulletin on specifics and procedures (Issued May 7)
Function retained for initial and approved extensive revision soil surveys where MOU requires specific deliverables Staff located in various offices (soil survey offices and regional offices) Work coordinated through regional offices
Many references to Part 608 and repeats roles and responsibilities Series of “projects” to address priority needs Update strategies MLRA – Recorrelation: Added reference to National Instruction Soil Data Join Recorrelation under update strategies MLRA field projects