U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey USGS Survey Manual Policy Development and Status on Policy of Interest to the CDI Briefing to the CDI Data Management Working Group July 11, 2011 Carolyn Reid Policy Coordinator, Office of Science Quality and Integrity (OSQI)
2 Contents Survey Manual (SM) Overview Requirements for SM Policy Development SM Policy Development Process Status: SM Policy of Interest to the CDI Next Steps
3 The Survey Manual - Overview The Survey Manual (SM) contains the core chapters of USGS policies and procedu res.
4 Requirements for Developing SM Policy Directives Requirements governing the development and preparation of all Bureau SM Chapter, Handbook, and Instructional Memoranda directives for release: Survey Manual Chapter ( 2.html) Directives Management Handbook – H ( manual/handbook/hb/431-5.html) Records Disposition Schedules ( manual/schedule/index.html) Department Manual ( The Associate Director for Administration and Enterprise Information, (AD/AEI) has oversight of SM policy directives and manages this activity through its Office of Policy and Analysis Point of contacts: AD/AEI (Karen Baker) Chief, Office of Policy and Analysis, AEI (Sharon Borland) USGS Directives Officer, Office of Policy and Analysis, AEI (Sharon Baloch)
5 SM Policy Development Process The Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for the subject will prepare revised or new policy timing varies depending on complexity The OPR: Coordinates review by subject matter experts (SMEs) and others; reconciles review comments; and updates the draft. minimum 2-week review period review by others (concurrent with or after the SMEs review) may be necessary depending on subject scope, complexity, and visibility. Collaborates with OPR senior management to seek review by the ELT and other Bureau groups (as well as Department groups when warranted) minimum 2-week review period addresses ELT and other comments and finalizes draft
6 SM Policy Development Process, continued The OPR: Prepares package (draft, directives brief, other supporting material) for approval SM chapters are generally approved by the Associate Director for AEI Handbooks and Instructional Memoranda are generally approved by the OPR Associate Director or equivalent Collaborates with the AEI Directives Officer until policy is approved and released AEI staff announces policy on SM “What’s New” page The OPR may issue additional announcements (for example for new and major policy revisions)
8 Policy of Interest to the CDI - Status Fundamental Science Practices (OPR: OSQI) SM 503.3, 503.4, , SM (currently under review by the ELT and other Bureau groups—comments due July 20) New Metadata chapter (draft of new chapter in progress) Revised SM chapter: Release of Computer Databases and Computer Programs (SME comments ready to be addressed) Scientific Integrity (OPR: OSQI) SM (updates in progress) Publishing - SM Part 1100 (OPR: OCAP) SM , , (draft updates ready for SME review) Policy Reference:
9 SM Policy of Interest to the CDI — Science Integrity and FSP
10 SM Policy of Interest to the CDI — Publishing
11 Next Steps Address/reconcile comments from ELT review of five draft FSP-related chapters. Prepare final drafts and supporting materials and package for surname/approval Submit to Karen Baker’s office for approval/release. Select ad hoc team to address comments on Computer Databases and Computer Programs revised draft. Seeking CDI members for ad hoc team. Send Safeguarding Unpublished USGS Data and Information policy draft to FSPAC for review. Send new Metadata policy draft to SMEs for review. Coordinate with Core Science Systems, Office of Communications and Publishing, and OSQI to select SMEs.
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