EUROPEAN SURVEY ON ENGINEERS OCTOBER 2010 CNISF France -VDI Germany - UK Engineering Council
Methodology The survey was carried out in three countries – France : with the CNISF annual survey in march-april, collecting responses on a broad scope questionnaire. – UK and Germany sent a common subset of the french questionnaire to selected panels in may. UK collected 800 responses Ge collected responses – The results have been found compatible with the existing data in each country.
General conclusion There is a high degree of similarity between the professions, which extends to the roles and the remunerations in the 3 countries. It is possible to talk of a European profession (at least a F/Ge/UK scope). The differences showed in this presentation are not so fundamental, however they underline gaps in the industrial landscape, mindset and working behaviours.
Who are the engineers. In France, the title is not protected it applies to people exercising a high level activity or graduated by an Engineering School certified by a national commission (our scope in the survey). In UK and Germany, people who have successfully finalized studies in engineering at various levels (bachelor, master, doctorate) may use this title. In the UK they are self registered to a national council.
Who/where are the engineers? Double graduation (2d degree)
Who/where are the engineers? Size of enterprise Career profile
Who/where are the engineers? The ratio Industry/Services is much higher in Ge
Who/where are the engineers? Engineers are more spred across various activities in F
Professional satisfaction Are the french more overloaded ?
Professional satisfaction with regard to your enterprise
Employer’s attractiveness Essential to join German feel better paid and are more neutral to remuneration
Enterprise (non) attractiveness Strong influence to leave French have most sensitivity to overall « job quality »
Gross Earnings (median,€) France paying more the oldest classes.
Earnings (€) Gross annual income including salary, bonus, overtime and commissions UK earnings must be lowered as the sample is short of under 30 who are usually not yet registered.
Earnings dependences Activity: the ranking is similar in each country: Management, Sales, IT, Admin, Research, Production, Teaching All pay management most. UK and Ge pay engineer doing engineering more than F. Education: level of degree not significant after few years except MBA (well paid mngt roles) Size of company has a small positive effect
Earnings dependences Type of contract: UK temps higher, result of downsizing leading to large consultants/ outsourced labour force. Sectors : broad similarity Industry, Services, Construction, Agri Manager/Professional profile Managers get more especially in Ge Variable earnings: similar pattern in Ge and UK, F behind
Earnings dependences People management % Variable part of Earnings
Assessment of the current economical situation Loosing job: UK significantly greater fear of loosing (21%). F (8%) and Ge (7%) moderate Personal effect: GE saw more increase in remuneration accompanied by an increase in workload and responsabilities, with more short time and subcontractor cuts. Enterprise effect UK enterprises have seen most effect : lay-offs and salary freezes
Economical situation 2010 outlook Your enterprise will come out the « crisis »