1 Corporate social responsibility: an innovative way to create value for the cultural and creative sectors Pascale Thumerelle Vice President, Sustainable.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate social responsibility: an innovative way to create value for the cultural and creative sectors Pascale Thumerelle Vice President, Sustainable Development Formation IDSE mai avril 203 European Parliament, Committee on Culture and Education - April 22 nd, 2013

22 European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee - April 22nd,  Observation  Definition Publication of the United Nations’ Report “Our Common Future” called Brundtland Report “To build long-term development, economic growth, social cohesion and environmental protection must go hand in hand.” “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Definition of Sustainable Development

33 European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee - April 22nd, 2013 Empowering present and future generations to: Satisfy their need to communicate Feed their curiosity Develop their talents Encourage intercultural dialogue Protecting and empowering young people Promoting cultural diversity Three strategic issues for Vivendi, considering its impact on society Knowledge sharing Vivendi’s specific contribution to Sustainable Development

44 European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee - April 22nd, 2013 An innovative positioning Protecting and empowering young people Promoting cultural diversity Knowledge sharing Three strategic issues stemming from human rights  1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Art. 27)  ‘Children’s Rights and Business Principles’ developed by the UN Global Compact, UNICEF and Save the Children (March 2012)  1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 27)  2001 UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (Art. 5)  2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (Art. 2)  2000 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union of 2000 (Art 11 on freedom of expression and information)  United Nations’ Millenium Development Goals (2000)

55 European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee - April 22nd, 2013 Ethics and business practices Promoting cultural diversity Protecting and empowering young people Knowledge sharing Protection of personal data Leveraging content and innovation Vigilance towards suppliers Territorial development Leveraging human resources Environment and radiofrequencies Vivendi’s CSR ten priority areas for action

66 European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee - April 22nd, 2013 Integration of CSR in Vivendi’s governance and strategy  UN Global Compact Vivendi’s strategic issues as human rights  Definition of three strategic issues  Promoting cultural diversity  Protecting & empowering young people  Knowledge sharing  Sustainable Development Committees  Risks Committee  SD criteria into Senior Executives’ variable compensation directly related to the three strategic issues  Founding member of the « CEO Coalition to make the Internet a better place for children»  SD mapping risks  Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Founding member of Media Sector Supplement Working Group  SD Roadshows 2004  Reporting protocol (Social, Environmental)  Definition of indicators related to three strategic issues  Reporting Protocol / Grenelle II (Societal)  GRI Media Sector Supplement  Launch of the website « Culture(s) with Vivendi » 2013  Integration of non-financial indicators in the Annual Report and verification by the Statutory Auditor  Launch of Vivoice, Vivendi’s webradio, on the occasion of the SID 2013  Towards an Integrated Reporting

77 European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee - April 22nd, 2013 The integration of indicators related to our three strategic issues is an innovative approach in the cultural and creative sectors  Complying with Art 225 of French law « Grenelle II »  Taking into account: the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), including the Media Sector Supplement (Vivendi as a co-founder of the working group) the principles of the UN Global Compact the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises  (pages 54-70) Efficient non-financial reporting (1/2) A pioneer in reporting

88 European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee - April 22nd, 2013 Efficient non-financial reporting (2/2) Societal indicators classified as strategic and material by the Statutory Auditor  A verification by the Statutory Auditor of a greater number of societal indicators, assessed as being relevant and strategic: Impact in terms of employment and local development Impact on local and neighboring communities Philanthropic actions and community involvement Pluralism of content Accessibility of offers, products, and content Promoting cultural diversity: Percentage of UMG sales accounted for by local repertories in their country Percentage of CNC-approved French-initiative films financed by Canal+ and associated amounts Number of first films financed by Canal+ Filmmakers whose films were produced or coproduced by StudioCanal (by citizenship)  (pages 54-70)

99 European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee - April 22nd, 2013 Incorporating Sustainable Development Criteria into Vivendi’s Senior Executives’ Variable Compensation A rigorous approach  External and independent third-party  Evaluation by the Human Resources Committee within the Supervisory Board  1,183 Senior Executives concerned (headquarters and subsidiaries)  Targets reached and exceeded in 2012 Vivendi is the only company of the CAC40 to integrate societal criteria of this kind :  Promoting cultural diversity Pre-purchase by Canal+ of a number of low-budget or debut European films GVT’s actions to promote local artists by broadcasting their music Universal Music Group’s support for local talent in emerging countries  Protecting and empowering young people  Sharing knowledge A pioneer by the choice of criteria

10 European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee - April 22nd, 2013 A constructive dialogue with our stakeholders Academic communities New York University, Paris Sorbonne, ENS Cachan… NGOs European Schoolnet, ORSE, CIEME, JNDJ, Laboratoire de l’égalité… Social partners Individual Shareholders Financial and non-financial analysts Institutions United Nations, Unesco, European Commission, CNIL…

11 European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee - April 22nd, 2013 DJSI World Enlarged A high rating of Vivendi’s CSR policy n° 1 in the media sector (January 2011) Listed in the Global 100 of the World’s Most Sustainable Companies (January 2013), ranked 4th out of all French companies SRI indices The high rating of Vivendi’s CSR policy gives investors comfort in their investment choice and demonstrates that societal responsibility goes hand in hand with economic performance Inaugural winner of FIR *–Vigeo prize in category CAC 40 (October 2011) * FIR : Forum for Responsible Investment

12 European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee - April 22nd, 2013 Contact Pascale Thumerelle Vice President, Sustainable Development