CSBS Fourth Friday Faculty Workshop: Faculty Effort and Other Personnel Costs CSBS: Frances Solano ORSP: Stefanie Friesen TUC: Stacey Lord 3/27/2015 1
Today’s Agenda Welcome and Announcements Introductions Understanding effort for budgeting and management Other “personnel” costs Collaborators, Independent Contractors, Vendors, Students, Upcoming CSBS Faculty Workshops CSUN Contacts and Resources 3/27/2015 2
What is “effort”? All professional activities covered by salary received from the university: Instruction Service Community outreach Research and other scholarly activities Equals 100% -- regardless of number of hours 3/27/2015 3
An example… Effort = 100%
Effort is based on IBS Institutional Base Salary (IBS) Salary rate established by University. Example: Academic year salary = $72,000 Academic year = 8 months (4 in fall, 4 in spring) Monthly salary rate = $9,000 It is expected that externally sponsored grants fully support faculty effort at the “full external” rate. Anything less requires discussion with and approval by the dean. 3/27/2015 5
Funding effort on grants Reimbursing the state for time on grant Direct pay from grant for “buyout” Request for Individual Reimbursed Time form Large Grant Release Program Release time (in units) based on IDC budgeted Transfer made to college from ORSP Release time paid from other departments/centers/colleges Release time based on teaching units Transfer made to CSBS from other unit. Additional payment (Faculty Payment Request form) Up to 25% overload during academic year Up to 3 months summer pay (may be limited by sponsor, e.g. NSF allows 2 months). Up to approximately half-month winter pay (calculated based on days) 3/27/2015 6
Certifying effort on grants All effort must be documented and certified –- Distribution of effort is based on pay. TUC drafts report based on all pay received by faculty. Regular pay Additional / special pay (Faculty Payment Requests) Reimbursed time from grants Cost-share release time Faculty person confirms that the report is complete and accurate based on effort spent on each activitiy. (CSBS Grants & Contracts Officer will assist in this.) Report must then be approved by the Principal Investigator (PI). If PI is not available, chair must certify. 3/27/2015 7
Other “Personnel” Costs Collaborators versus Independent Contractors versus Vendors Collaborators: Substantive work Requires commitment forms prior to proposal being submitted ORSP will execute subcontract to organization with purchase order: Independent contractors (individuals): For professional services (e.g. transcribing) Cannot be CSUN or TUC employee Vendors: Purchase of goods and services Stipends vs. Salary/Wages Salary/wages paid to employee providing effort on project Stipends: No effort required on project For the benefit of the individual, NOT the project Students vs. Non-students Students: Undergraduate (recommend $8 - $12 / hour); Graduate ($12 - $16 / hour) Non-students: Research Assistant; emergency hire limited to a 120 day appointment 3/27/2015 8
Spring 2015: Fourth Friday Faculty Workshops Fall 2015: Tuesday Faculty Workshops The spring semester will be focused on post-award management. WEDNESDAY, April 1, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Friday, April 24, 9:00 – 10:00 am Friday, May 22, 2:00 – 3:00 pm The fall semester will focus on pre-award -- finding funding, proposal development and submission. Tuesday, August 18, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Tuesday, September 15, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Tuesday, October 13, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Tuesday, November 17, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Tuesday, December 15, 3:00 – 4:00 pm 3/27/15 9 All workshops to be held in the Whitsett Room, Sierra Hall, 4 th floor.
CSUN Contacts CSBS (College of Social & Behavioral Sciences) Frances Solano, Grants & Contracts Officer (ext. 6135) Anne Robison, External Relations & Programs Liaison (ext. 7738) Tracy Baum, Director of Development (ext. 7129) Pam Simon, Manager of Academic Resources (MAR) (ext. 2378) ORSP (Office of Research & Sponsored Projects) Scott Perez, Director, ORSP (ext. 2901) Stefanie Friesen, Grant Coordinator (ext. 2901) Jennifer Reifsneider, Grant Coordinator (ext. 2901) Kat Sohn, Compliance Officer (IRB), (ext. 2901) TUC (The University Corporation) Georg Jahn, Director, Sponsored Programs (ext. 2698) Stacey Lord, Sponsored Projects Liaison (ext. 7289) Mahyar Sadri, Compliance Analyst (ext. 6414) Maryann Camarillo, Accounting (ext. 3061) 10