Gender, Climate Change,Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) & Post 2015 Development Agenda Stock taking : What’s in & What’s Not Leveraging on the ongoing initiatives Edna Kaptoyo International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests(IAITPTF)/Indigenous Information Network Silver Springs,11 th February 2015
Introduction Sustainable development – commonly understood as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need Gender equality is prerequisite to sustainable development Climate change threatens to set back development efforts by decades from its widespread implications — from the exacerbation of poverty, to the breakdown of infrastructure, to the loss of environmental, political, economic and social security Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)-17goals Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adoption of the proposed SDGs by acclamation, the proposal officially moved to the 69th General Assembly and will be main basis for integrating the SDGs into the future development agenda- Post 2015 in 2015
GAINS Two priority stand-alone goals included in the final outcome recognized the importance of specifically addressing climate change (Goal 13)and gender equality (Goal 5)-focus on women empowerment vs rights; gender budgeting(CSW 58 th session) Some inter-link ages of issues across the goals Participatory decision-making in peace and accountability Right to water
KEY ISSUES Weak on human rights language- no rights-based language No ambitious climate change action and gender-responsive; UNFCCC argument and timelines( ;2020 beyond) No linkage of climate change goal and goal 3 health,gender goal 5,goal 6 water, goal 10 inequalities, goal 16 on peaceful and inclusive societies etc. Mention in chapeu weak Means of implementation (weak), indicators, accountability etc- Yet to be defined Window of opportunity Means of Implementation (targets) target 13b reference made capacity building of women and other groups for effective climate change planning(LDCs) Integration of ideas in multiple goals-absent since concepts in one goal SDGs remained focused on sustained growth/GDP-lose focus on other indicators( socio-economic and environmental impacts) that might guide on wellbeing Window of opportunity in Post 2015 discussion
Cont… Goal 7 on energy -fails to integrate women and girls anywhere Goal 10 on inequalities- misses stronger language that would empower women and create enabling conditions for development, participation, leadership, specifically on women’s tenure/access/rights to land
Cont… Women leadership and mention of women specifically could impact on how programs are designed and where the funding is directed – but failed to do so Failure to acknowledge gendered impacts of climate change and knowledge Target on education links education, gender equality and sustainability- not with climate change Keeping the ‘sustainable development’ as SDGs are considered in the post-2015 development agenda. For instance climate change is as result of growth-focused ambitions
Linkages to Post-2015 Process/ developing a holistic strategy Member States will consider multiple inputs, including from the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing, civil society etc Power in alliances/networks-Major groups & ECOSOC status organizations-enhance linkages with key groups Gender equality “unfinished business”-closing gaps accelerates progress towards other development goals Ensure the Post-2015 framework; retains a strong, stand- alone goal on gender equality and women’s empowerment, holistic view of gender inequalities and include gender- specific targets and indicators in the other goals Targets and indicators on gender equality act as a powerful stimulus for action-data disaggregation
Strategy is necessary, pick a direction and implement it to the end – Anonymous THANK YOU