Acid water!
Life Cycle
What is Acid Rain? Acid rain is ain that is polluted by acids into the atmosphere, It is not good for the environment. The acid is found in snow or for. There are 2 main gases that can change into acid sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. When they react the moisture in the atmosphere they become acids and go through the rain cycle.
Causes of Acid Rain. Acid Rain is manly caused by humans causes such as factors, vehicles, gases such as sulfur, chemicals and nitrogen compounds they all produce acids.
What acid rain dose to the environment. When acid Rain occurs it can contaminate the animals drinking water and also kills any plants that it toucher. How the acid rain absorb into the earth and can come into rivers lakes ponds ect and kill the fish and the other animals that live in there.
How we can stop Acid Rain. People an help if they use less electricity by turning off lights, computers, and other electric thing in your house, so if you are using less electricity you are saving the world.
Interesting facts about acid rain Acid rain can burn all of your hair off and leave you bald forever. Citric acid can make you smell like oranges. The statue of liberty in America is melting and turning green because of acid rain.
More interesting facts Acid Rain Kills anything if it is on the object for to long. Acid rain can kill living things but acid Rain can not can not kill human beings. Acid rain has multiple colures.
Picture page
Thank you for watching our slide show on acid rain By Lea, Rachel and cael.