Global Environmental Politics The Rise of the Private Sector
Topics Current affairs What is Global Environmental Politics (GEP)? Theories of IR and the environment Wednesday: Climate Change Friday: UN budget simulation 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Global Environmental Politics (GEP) Global issues (climate change, ozone, global commons, etc.) and Transnational issues transcending borders (acid rain, biodiversity, rain forests, river pollution, etc.). Fundamental conflict between the global environment/ecosystems and the state system. 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Areas of GEP Global commons (Examples: Atmosphere, Ozone layer, High seas and sea bed, Antarctica) Shared natural resources (Examples: Lakes, rivers, forests, desert) Transnational externalities (Examples: Acid rain, nuclear contamination) 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Examples Atmosphere (a global common) Issues: Climate Change and Ozone Layer/Depletion Biodiversity (a shared natural resource) Issues: Animal and plant life/habitat protection Pollution (a transnational externality) Issues: Acid rain and toxic waste exports 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Theories of IR Realism: Environment as a resource Focus on conflict, scarcity, and competition Institutionalism: Environment as a collective action problem for state cooperation Focus on institutions Idealism/Identity: Environment as a global challenge to the nation state Focus on expertise (ideas) and NGOs 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Realism Environment as a resource (Nau, p. 356) Nation state is the most powerful actor and must be central to any environmental issue. Once environmental problems cause violent conflict, military power will be central to defending the national interest. Nations follow their self-interests (see Kyoto). Challenging realism Environmental problems privilege scientific knowledge and cooperation, not military power. 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Neoliberal institutionalism Environment as a collective action problem (Nau, p. 355) International institutions prevent “free riding” (impose equal and lower burden; monitoring) International institutions facilitate exchange of information and scientific knowledge International institutions enable non-zero sum solutions; i.e. they can promote more than one objective (Kyoto: economic growth and environmental protection). 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
“Tragedy of the commons” The environment as a collective good: 1. Everyone has access (global commons). 2. No one has exclusive control. Example: Oceans’ fish reserves. Collective action problem (Prisoner’s Dilemma): Collective goal: Sustainable use of fish. Individual goal/incentives: Every fisher/country has an incentive to ‘free ride,’ i.e. to fish as much as possible (leading to destruction of resource). 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Idealism/Identity Environment as a challenge to the nation state system and industrialization (Nau, p. 354) Global environment transcends the state system Not just a question “interdependence”, but of global governance. International institutions (as “actors”) define environmental problems. Scientific experts (‘epistemic communities’), IGOs, and NGOs dominate the solution of environmental problems. 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Environmental NGO Activism Greenpeace Rainforest Action Network (Citigroup campaign) Rainforest Action NetworkCitigroup campaign Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) Sierra Club Friends of the Earth PETA Worldwatch Institute 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Chronology of GEP, I 1945: The environment is not mentioned in the United Nations Charter 1962: Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring published 1972: The Year of the Environment Club of Rome publishes The Limits of Growth First United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm) Creation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP: based in Nairobi/Kenya) 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Chronology of GEP, II 1986: International Whaling Commission adopts a ban on whaling. 1987: Montreal protocol to protect the Ozone layer signed Brundtland report Our Common Future 1988: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) established by WMO/UNEP 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Chronology of GEP, III 1992: Twenty years after Stockholm United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Adoption of Agenda 21 Framework Convention on Climate Change signed 1997: Kyoto Protocol adopted 1999: First legal sale of ivory in a decade; challenges against whaling ban from Norway, Japan, Iceland, and Denmark. 2001: US ‘unsigns’ the Kyoto Protocol 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Principles of GEP, I Sovereignty and Responsibility for the Environment State sovereignty and a responsibility to protect Good Neighborliness and International Cooperation Requires information sharing, consultation, participation Precautionary Principle Lack of scientific certainty should not be a reason for not doing anything (Principle 15, Rio Declaration) Actions to protect the environment must be taken even without full evidence Polluter-pays Principle (Principle 16, Rio Declaration) 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Principles of GEP, II Common, but differentiated Responsibility Balancing equality and special needs of developing nations Recognition of differing capabilities Sustainable Development Preservation for the benefit of current and future generations Rational and wise use of resources Equity among and within states Environmental concerns integrated in all global agreements 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
IGOs and the Environment There is no single environmental organizations in the field of global environmental politics. United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Examples of environmental institutions: CITES (endangered species) CITES Basel Convention (hazardous wastes) Basel Convention Convention to Combat Desertification Convention to Combat Desertification International Whaling Commission International Whaling Commission Tufts List of Global/Regional Environmental Agencies Tufts List of Global/Regional Environmental Agencies 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Global Public-Private Partnerships Beyond inter-state cooperation Growing role of NGOs and MNCs World Commission on Dams ( ) Forest Stewardship Council (1993- ) Global Reporting Initiative (1997- ) 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz
Summary GEP emerges as the last major issue area for global cooperation in the 1970s. Mixed results of inter-state cooperation Growing role of NGOs and MNCs in regulating the environment Wednesday : Climate change 4/14/2008Hans Peter Schmitz