09/07/11 Contract No inCASA Integrated Network for Completely Assisted Senior citizen’s Autonomy Evaluation ICT Policy Support Programme Call 3 objective 1.3 ICT for ageing well / independent living Project start date: 1 st April 2010 Duration: 30 months Coordinating partner: SANTER REPLY Spa Published by the inCASA Consortium Project co-funded by the European Commission within the CIP ICT-PSP Programme Date: Dissemination Level: Public / Confidential Work package: WP6 Pilot Evaluation
European Funded Project 30 month project – April 2010 Consortium consists of 13 organisations from 8 countries. inCASA aims to investigate systems to support the frail elderly to remain in their home for as long as possible Introduction
PartnerCountrySettingSizeAim ATCItalySocial20 Integrate social housing and social services by employing telecare services enabled by inCASA. CHCUKPrimary Care 25 To compare variations in the activity template and the variations in the physiological parameters to identify patterns and to understand if and how environmental monitoring can aid or even predict clinical events INSERMFranceHospital30 To detect early signs of alterations or adverse events of cancer treatments, and to make rapid decisions to improve safety of home delivery of cancer chemotherapy in elderly patients KGHNIGreeceHospital25 To demonstrate substantial prolongation of the time elderly people can continue to be at home, as well as the resulting increased efficiency of the social and health care systems FHCSpainHospital30 To promote and monitor rehabilitation exercise at home in order to improve patients’ quality of life. Pilot Sites
Methodology Approach
Different Settings – Social / Health Technology challenges Levels of Experience Availability of Resources Small sample sizes Project Delays Challenges
Commonalities Demographic and clinical baseline characteristics Frailty Quality of life Clinical Outcomes COPD CHF Technologies 3 sites using the same system Patient Satisfaction Organisational Changes Professional Perception Patient Perception Differences Cultures Settings Social Housing Primary Care Hospital Technologies Economics Developing the Minimum Data Set
Next Steps Identifying commonalities Investigating measures Methodology to be presented to Pilot sites Commonalities presented and agreed Site specific measures to be agreed Agree timescales Agree monitoring and data collection tools