Customer Care Skills Training Outline & Audience Selection Guide
Customer Care Skills Training Outline Language: English Duration: 2 Days ( 6 Hours Per Day) Participants: 9 ≥ Number ≤ 15 Recommended Audience: All senior and middle managers and staff in customer services, internal services and sales departments.
Customer Care Skills Training Pre-Requisites Phase IPhase IIPhase III Time Management Business Writing Skills Presentation Skills Managing Effective Meetings Team Building Negotiation Skills Selling Skills Project Management Leadership Skills Customer Care
Customer Care Skills Training Outline Training Objectives: To highlight the importance and benefits of customer care to you and your organization. To give you a range of customer handling skills and techniques. Help you deal with complaints and difficult customers. Identify and address customer needs. Provide your customers with a quality service.
Customer Care Skills Training Practicality Aspects The Practicality TableExamples Theory Replaced with Practical Customer Care Guidelines Grid Real Life Examples Discussion on Examples from industry Real Life Activities Preparing for handling customers in real business situations after the training Practical Demonstrations Role play during the trainings
Customer Care Skills Training Monitoring Aspects Monitoring Schedule Monthly¼ - ½ Yearly Yearly Review Questions 10’ MCQ’s to Remind key concepts Real Life Snap Shots Customer Satisfaction Survey Analyzed Tips & Tricks Customer Care Tips Re- Qualification ½ Day Refresher & Nominating Internal Trainer
Customer Care Skills Training Audience Selection Guide SymptomsRoot CauseCure Being rude to customers People avoid dealing direct Finding excuses or explanations for feedback received Not giving alternatives to customers in case of non availability Not aware of the importance of customer care Not aware of elements of customer care Lacking customer handling skills This training with proper monitoring