Best Activities for Change Shay Cleary University of St. Thomas May 18 th, 2005 MBC.


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Presentation transcript:

Best Activities for Change Shay Cleary University of St. Thomas May 18 th, 2005 MBC


You are a Court Administrator, Manager, or Supervisor

We must change. The Minnesota courts are implementing a new court case management system called MNCIS. A court case management system is used to process court cases, maintain court calendars, and process financial transactions. MNCIS is being implemented county by county.

Change is difficult. Statistically, 50 to 75 percent of change initiatives fail. Technology and public sector changes are at greater risk of failure.

Proactive Tactics An implementation plan Change management activities –Staff kickoff event –Vision statement –Meetings – s from management –Focus groups –Brochures –Newsletters –Office decorations –Staff celebrations

Research Question Can we identify our most effective change management activities?

Methodology Web based survey ed to 191 court staff, including court management. Survey consisted of 13 questions.

Response 81 of the 191 surveyed responded for a 42% response rate. Of the 81 respondents, 22 were court management.

Activity Usage Almost all the counties surveyed used all of the activities. Staff kickoff, s from management and meetings were used 90% of the time. Office decorating, brochures, and focus groups were used less than 65% of the time.

Please rate the change management activities individually as to how they prepared you for your MNCIS implementation. 75% rated the staff kickoff and s from management as excellent or good. 70% rated meetings for MNCIS as excellent or good. 45% rated newsletters and office decorating as excellent or good.

The activities surrounding the MNCIS implementation made me feel informed about the changes. 78% agreed/strongly agreed 7% did not know 15% disagreed/strongly disagreed

The activities surrounding the MNCIS implementation made me feel prepared for the changes. 67% agreed/strongly agreed 12% did not know 21% disagreed

The activities surrounding the MNCIS implementation provided me with adequate opportunity to ask questions. 83% agreed/strongly agreed 7% did not know 10% disagreed

The activities surrounding our MNCIS implementation provided me with adequate opportunity to voice concerns. 80% agreed/strongly agreed 5% did not know 15% disagreed/strongly disagreed

My county’s vision statement was useful in preparing for MNCIS. 50% agreed/strongly agreed 37% did not know 14% disagreed/strongly disagreed

Major Findings

Vision Statement Increases Effectiveness

Office Decorating Increases Sense of Preparation

Change Management Activities Empower Court Management

Can we identify our most effective change management activities? Yes!

Most Popular Activities 1.Staff kickoff 2. s from management 3.Meetings

Most Effective Activities Vision statement for informing, preparing and voicing concerns Office decorating for feeling prepared

Recommendations Court management should use the most effective change management activities. Court management should realize they view activities differently than non- management. Studying change management activities should be continued.
