MAGHG: Monitoring and Assessment of GHG Emissions and Mitigation Potentials in Agriculture: Focus on GHG Emissions from organic soils Riccardo Biancalani.


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Presentation transcript:

MAGHG: Monitoring and Assessment of GHG Emissions and Mitigation Potentials in Agriculture: Focus on GHG Emissions from organic soils Riccardo Biancalani - MAGHG Team Climate, Energy and Tenure Division Statistics Division MICCA Programme, FAO Funded by:

Outline Context Introduction to the project Peatlands assessment methodology Global results An eye on Indonesia Mitigation initiative Conclusions and follow up

Emissions share per sector, AR4, all gases AFOLU 30%

Global greenhouse gas emissions 1970-2004 Source: IPCC 4th AR

Context - 1 Agriculture is a key emitter in developing countries, and a basis for climate mitigation relevant to food security and sustainable development goals UNFCCC. Only 2-3 reports per country over the past 20 years (Indonesia 1999 and 2011/2012) Starting in 2014, have to report bi-annually to UNFCCC Need to improve capacity to collect and analyze data for assessing GHG emissions

Context - 2 NAMAs will need to be defined and detailed by many countries in order to meet their international mitigation commitments in line with sustainable use of their natural resources This will require the development of increased national capacity, both technically and institutionally

FAOSTAT Emissions Database = Database + IPCC Guidelines

Addressing different needs Global and regional assessments Fill data gaps and build capacity: a bridging tool for many non-Annex I parties Benchmarking and QA/QC analysis: internationally and neutral data platform for evaluation of national reporting Develop indicators for further analysis: coherency within FAOSTAT data Unlike for energy, no international agency regularly reports for GHG agriculture

FAOSTAT Emissions Database: In country Sectoral Comparisons: 2010 g G CO2 eq/yr

Cultivated organic soils DOMAIN CATEGORY Agriculture Enteric Fermentation Rice Cultivation Manure Management Agricultural soils Synthetic Fertilizers Manure applied to soils Manure left on pasture Crop residues Cultivated organic soils Biomass burning Function of: Annual area of managed/drained soils Land cover Climate Gas emitted: N2O, CO2

Definition IPCC/FAO (Histosols): Thickness of organic horizon greater than or equal to 10 cm. A horizon of less than 20 cm must have 12% or more organic carbon when mixed to a depth of 20 cm. Soils that are never saturated with water for more than a few days must contain more than 20% organic carbon by weight (i.e., about 35 percent organic matter). Soils are subject to water saturation episodes and has either: a. At least 12 percent organic carbon by weight (i.e., about 20 percent organic matter) if the soil has no clay; or b. At least 18 percent organic carbon by weight (i.e., about 30 percent organic matter) if the soil has 60% or more clay; or c. An intermediate, proportional amount of organic carbon for intermediate amounts of clay.

Utilization of geo-referenced data Organic Soils (Histosols): - Harmonized World Soil Database (FAO, IIASA, ISRIC, CAS, JRC - 2012) Cultivated (cropped) areas: - GLC 2000 (currently exploring MODIS 2001-2010) Climatic zones: - JRC map, 2010, according to IPCC prescriptions

World map of Histosols

Top ten countries

World distribution of cultivated histosols

Map of cultivated organic soils of Indonesia

Total Emissions: ~855 Mt CO2eq FAOSTAT Emissions Database: Global emissions from cultivated organic soils 2010 Emissions (Tons/y) CO2 N2O - CO2 eq 756,075,190 99,183,920 Total Emissions: ~855 Mt CO2eq

FAOSTAT Emissions Database: Top ten emitters for cultivated organic soils

MAGHG Capacity Development Support developing countries assess and report their GHG emissions from agriculture, including assessment of mitigation options for identification of National actions (NAMAs) that can also lead to improvements in long term agricultural productivity, enhancing food security and increasing environmental sustainability.

Online community for all interested – contact Global 'Organic soils and peatlands climate change mitigation initiative' Aims: reduce emissions from peatlands & safeguard the other vital ecosystem services peatlands provide. Informal network Online community for all interested – contact started in Durban, 2011 by FAO & Wetlands International The current members are international organizations from peatland research [to advocacy ], not all the organizations involved have yet become official members, many are part of our online community of practice organizations involved

The poster guides in decisions for management of peatlands

Key resources Updates: grazing on peatlands options for financing options for MRV Download: climatechange/micca/peat Executive summary Get more copies from This is already the 2nd edition. This new edition has additional information about grazing on peatlands, and includes updates on options for financing as well as measuring, reporting and verifying emissions and emission reductions

FAOSTAT Emissions Database Key resources FAOSTAT Emissions Database = Database + IPCC Guidelines

Conclusions Indonesia is by far the larger emitter from degraded peatlands This means that there is wide scope for mitigation actions, including improved management and conservation of the remaining peatlands FAO MICCA/MAGHG supports capacity development on: Data production and management/faostat Definition of NAMAs in pilot countries

Next Steps FAO, with the MICCA program and the MAGHG project, has the resources to enter into a collaboration on: The exchange of information for the improvement of data and mapping needed for national reporting, including use and improvement of FAOSTAT GHG The development of technical and institutional capacity for the production of the national reports (BUR) to the UNFCCC The identification of activities aimed at the implementation of the nationally established NAMAs

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