E NVIRONMENT The term has been derived from French word – “Environner” which means “to surround”. Initially, the term environment was used to describe the physical surroundings including soil, rocks, air and water.
Gradually it was realized that the varieties of plants animals, micro- organisms as well as human beings on Earth formed an integral part of environment, as they interacted with the physical surroundings. Later, it was further recognized that activities of human beings (social, cultural and technological) also impact environment. Environment now included all biotic and abiotic entities surrounding us.
DEFINITION OF ENVIRONMENT According to Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, environment includes physical and biological surroundings of an organism along with their interactions. Environment is the sum total of air, water and land and the interrelationship among them and with human beings, other living organisms and materials.
E NVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Environmental studies is the interdisciplinary academic field which systematically studies human interaction with the environment in the interests of solving complex problems. It is a broad field of study that includes the natural environment, built environment, and the sets of relationships between them.
S COPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Natural Resources- conservation and management Environmental Pollution and control Human population and environment Ecology Environmental Management and Development
S COPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ….. CONTD … Scope in Industries: a. R & D in environment (need for skilled environmental scientists to handle various environmental problems) b. Green Advocacy (need for environmental lawyers to plead environment related cases) c. Green Marketing (need for environmental auditors and managers to ensure environment friendliness) d. Environment Consultancy (need for environmental consultants for studying and tackling environment related problems)
IMPORTANCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Environment belongs to and is important for ALL. Environment Issues Being of International Importance Problems Cropped in The Wake of Development Need To Save Humanity From Extinction Need For Wise Planning of Development Need for “Sustainable Development”
N EED FOR P UBLIC A WARENESS A Chinese proverb says- “ If you plan for one year, plant rice; if you plan for 10 years, plant trees; if you plan for 100 years, EDUCATE PEOPLE ”.
The enhanced pace of development activities and rapid urbanization have resulted in stress on natural resources. Trend of increased pollution has led to deteriorated water and air quality, high noise levels, etc. Various measures are taken at governmental levels. But they will be unproductive without mass participation or public support. Thus there is need to impart environmental education.
O BJECTIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Improving the quality of environment Creating an awareness among people about environmental problems, related health issues and conservation of environment Changing the mind set of modern society from self oriented to earth oriented
“What’s the use of a beautiful house if you don’t have a decent planet to put it on???” - Henry D. Thoreau