Genre: Classic Fiction The Extra-Good Sunday By: Beverly Cleary Genre: Classic Fiction Skill: Visualizing Author’s Purpose:
Visualizing Visualizing is to create a picture in your mind. Use all your senses (hear, smell, taste, and feel) when you read to put yourself into the story.
Say It! flushed hurled pronounced refrigerator sauce success
More Words to Know calamity distaste edible resolved
flushed blushed; glowed
hurled threw with much force
pronounced made the sounds of; spoke
refrigerator an appliance that keeps food and other things cold
sauce something, usually liquid, served with or on food to make it taste better
success a favorable result
My parents are proud of my success.
My parents are proud of my success.
The girl’s face was flushed after she tripped in front of the crowd.
The girl’s face was flushed after she tripped in front of the crowd.
Henry poured the sauce on his burger.
Henry poured the sauce on his burger.
Tom hurled the ball toward home base hoping it would strike the other team out.
Tom hurled the ball toward home base hoping it would strike the other team out.
Emily’s family purchased a new refrigerator after their old one was destroyed in the fire.
Emily’s family purchased a new refrigerator after their old one was destroyed in the fire.
Carla stood up and pronounced that she was going home.
Carla stood up and pronounced that she was going home.
Let’s review our words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We will clap as we spell the word.
Spelling Words Vowel sound in ball walking talk chalk stalk drawing straw claws awful lawn thaw because fault sauce haunted cause
Review Questions p.300-309
Review Questions p.310-317