IT-DNG meeting, CERN 14.10.2010, Motivation Project Overview Grid services Status Faustin Laurentiu Roman CERN / IFIC


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Presentation transcript:

IT-DNG meeting, CERN , Motivation Project Overview Grid services Status Faustin Laurentiu Roman CERN / IFIC Grid services for Hadron Therapy

Cancer treatment CANCER = 2 nd largest cause of death & no. 1 for age in EU (E. Niederlaender, Causes of death in Europe, Eurostat KS EN-C, 2006) TREATMENT Surgery Chemotherapy Radiotherapy HADRON THERAPY (PT) => IT-DNG meeting, CERN ,

Conditions Research Information People Patient referral Model treatment outcome Model treatment outcome Pathology Radiology Genetics Physics Oncology Research Prove efficacy IT-DNG meeting, CERN ,

CAN GRID HELP? : Coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations… (I. Foster et al) Hadrontherapy Information Sharing Platform (HISP) Thanks to AT, ES, UK medical doctors! More EGI Technical Forum: [20] Grid services for hadron therapyGrid services for hadron therapy [21] Hadrontherapy Information Sharing PlatformHadrontherapy Information Sharing Platform [70] Hadrontherapy and Grids - Issues and RequirementsHadrontherapy and Grids - Issues and Requirements IT-DNG meeting, CERN , Service Oriented Architecture Platform Independence Service security, interoperability, reliability & responsiveness APIs based on open standards “Sandbox” environment for developers User friendly tools and interfaces Easy to use web portals Manuals and accessible proof-of- concepts Long term sustainability Domain requirements


Usecase1: eReferral Patient data by Images by DVD via POST Treatment H Follow-up difficult to none Patient data by Images by DVD via POST Treatment H Follow-up difficult to none Security Time and reliability Information History Security Time and reliability Information History SSL/ Grid certs? Encrypted storage/SSL Collaborative portal Personal Health Record SSL/ Grid certs? Encrypted storage/SSL Collaborative portal Personal Health Record How is done now? Issues… Any solutions? IT-DNG meeting, CERN ,

Usecase 2: Research Directive 95/46/EC, Directive 2002/58/EC, EC Recommendation (EC Rec. 2008/594/EC) Country specific: UK DPA 1998, DE BDSG,… Research data Adequate, relevant Informed Consent (Pseudo)Anonymization Publish findings Privacy Confidentiality Autonomy Liability Clinical data Common needs Federated data Security Provenance Workflows Simulations Visualization and Special requests Enhanced Protection Agreement service Semantic integration And ease to use! because.. IT-DNG meeting, CERN ,

Conceptual Services and functions / Grid tools IFIC Grid Course, Valencia , Some toolsMore tools … Vine Toolikt: (Flex, BlazeDS, Liferay) VOMS, AMGA, cgMDR Linux, Apache, MySQL, Eclipse…

TOMCAT Liferay CMS Architecture VINE API Tunnel SOAP REST RESOURCES VOMS CE SE AMGA cgMDR other.. Portlets Layout Hospital/Centre HIS RIS PACS Services SSLSSL IT-DNG meeting, CERN ,

Installed components: – Liferay, VINE, AMGA, cgMDR Next steps VOMS portal integration Web service connection: AMGA and cgMDR More on: e.g. fic_poster.pdf Soon public: Summary IT-DNG meeting, CERN ,

IT-DNG meeting, CERN ,

BACKUP: A patient opinion… IT-DNG meeting, CERN ,