Benefits Stemming from Space Exploration By Collin Turbide
Many people ask why countries continue to allocate large amounts of money on continuing space exploration. The reason why is because there are many ways space exploration benefits us as a whole. These benefits can be separated into three categories; innovation, culture and inspiration, and new means to address global challenges.
“Let’s not just talk about inspiration “Let’s not just talk about inspiration. Let’s talk about true innovation. People often ask, “If you like spinoff products, why not just invest in those technologies straightaway, instead of waiting for them to happen as a secondary or tertiary benefit?” The answer: it just doesn’t work that way. Let’s say you’re a thermodynamicist, the world’s expert on heat, and you’re asked to build a better oven. You might invent a convection oven or an oven that’s better insulated or one that permits easier access to its contents. But no matter how much money I give you, you will not invent a microwave oven, because that came from another place. It came from investments in communications, in radar. The microwave oven is traceable to the war effort, not to a thermodynamicist.” -Neil deGrasse Tyson, Why exploration matters—and why the government should pay for it
Spin-off Technologies Spin-off technologies are technologies that benefit a certain field, even though they were originally designed for a, sometimes entirely, separate field.
NASA Spin-offs NASA has been responsible for many spin off technologies through out their efforts in advancing our knowledge of space. No one expects these developments to benefit society, but every once in a while one such product comes along and benefits us greatly.
Adversity There are many challenges to face when attempting to leave the planet. These unique problems we face in space require us to be innovative when designing solutions, because the harsh conditions are unlike anything here on earth. The closest thing to the conditions of space are the conditions underwater, but even there help is close at hand. Being in space requires a certain level of independence because there is no one there available to help you if you are in trouble. Therefore only the best equipment is acceptable, leading NASA engineers to advance societies current technology greatly.
Many technologies we use everyday were either invented or greatly improved upon by engineers aiding in exploring space. Improvements have been made in many fields, including: Materials Power generation and energy storage Recycling and waste management Advanced robotics Health and medicine Transportation Engineering Computing and software
Culture and inspiration
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” ― André Gide “Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.” ― Edwin Hubble
Not all the benefits coming from space exploration are physical Not all the benefits coming from space exploration are physical. The benefits in the innovative and new means to address global challenges categories are great ways to defend the continuation of space exploration, because they can be logically defended. The benefits in this category are less tangible, but in some ways much more valuable.
Curiosity One of the most basic instincts of humans is too explore. Exploration satisfies our need for excitement and adventure, while we also discover and learn new things. We have now almost explored everywhere on earth, so naturally we look to the stars to fulfill our lust for wonder. Finding these answers can change the way we look at the world, and show us what our place is in the universe. “There's no blank spots on the map anymore, anywhere on earth. If you want a blank spot on the map, you gotta leave the map behind.” ― Jon Krakauer
Inspiration Inspiration is one of the most influential things that drive the human spirit. The dark, mysterious unknown of space has the ability to instill wonder and fear into the hearts of even the most brave. This unknown inspires us to continue to learn more and too conquer the mysteries of space. “To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit“ ― Stephen Hawking
Aspiration Space exploration also has the ability to inspire young people to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It gets them interested, so they pursue careers in their preferred fields, so they could be the ones benefitting society and exploring the universe. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.” ― Dr. Seuss
New means to address global challenges
There are many more benefits from space exploration than just the technologies it creates. One such benefit is the positive impact it has on the worlds nations. To continue exploring space, nations will need to work together to solve many of the problems it presents. This encourages corporation amongst the worlds nations, and show that it is possible to put differences behind and work towards a common goal.
The International Space Station (ISS) The international space station is a research facility currently orbiting in earths atmosphere. The ISS is a great example of how nations work together when dealing with space exploration. In the beginning 15 nations formed the partnership and to date 68 nations have participated in ISS activities.
The Future There are many plans for the future of space exploration, ranging from the realistic, like creating a research station on the moon, to a little less realistic, like building a floating base in the atmosphere of Venus. In order for any of these things to become reality we must all work together, nations must put aside their differences and team up to accomplish great things. The ISS shows that it is possible, we must only work hard to achieve it.
In Conclusion There have been many benefits that have stemmed from space exploration, from technologies to inspiration, but it doesn’t end here. In the future we will continue to explore and continue to benefit. As we continue our exploration of the universe we live in, we will continue to benefit in ways no one can foresee.