~By.Janessa Lynch~
What is acid precipitation? Acid precipitation is, precipitation that carries acids formed by nitrogen and sulfur oxides, produced by burning coal and gasoline, that have combined with water in the air, then falls as rain, snow, sleet or hail. Acid precipitation's effects are, the acid precipitation will slowly kill or damage wildlife such as plants and animals.
What is acid precipitation effects on oceans/water? Acid precipitation's effects on oceans/water are… It pollutes the water. Causes harm to water life and the animals/plants that use that source of water. The damage that can be done to the life sources that depend on the water are Death or getting sick.
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How can we help stop acid rain? We can help stop acid rain by doing many things here’s a few examples….. 1.) we need to cut our output of carbon dioxide. (We can do this by not burning coal, oil or natural gas.) 2.)We need to limit the chemicals that companies put into the air. 3.) We need to stop using lead in paint and everything else. If we do this it will make a better environment for us and the world.