+ What Exactly Does Acid Rain Affect? Courtney Schweers 3 rd Hour
+ Plants Acid Rain Destroys Plant life. Both natural vegetation and crops are affected by acid rain. The roots are damaged by acidic rainfall, causing the growth of the plant to be stunted, or even cause death. Nutrients present in the soil, are destroyed by the acidity.
+ Water Animals Acid rain causes a wide variety of effects that harm or kill individual fish, reduce fish population numbers, completely eliminate fish species from a body of water, and decrease biodiversity. Acid rain increases the PH level in the water.
+ Humans Acid rain also comes to the Earth in the form of dust. The dust in the air leads to more cases of bronchitis and asthma. Elevated levels of fine particles and increased illness and premature death from heart and lung disorders.
+ Metal Anything that is metal is affected from acid. Those things start to rust. So, any buildings that are metal or statues start to look gross after a while.
+ Taj Mahal One building being affected is the Taj Mahal. The color of the building is becoming very pale because of acid rain.
+ Acropolis of Athens As a result of exposure to acid rain, parts of several monuments are falling off. Some of the pieces of the Acropolis of Athens, Greece have begun falling off and a total structural collapse is possible in the future.
+ Everything & Everyone! With all of the acid rain more and more trees begin to die. With trees dying that means we loose oxygen. With us relying on oxygen to live this may start to affect people soon.
+ How Do We Fix It? We all can prevent acid rain from happening. With using less energy we can prevent a lot of pollution from being given off into the environment. Also by planting a tree. It may not seem “cool” but with one tree comes a huge difference. So stop polluting and start help your environment!