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History Wildlife In Learning Design 1983 Council for Environmental Education Last updated in 2004
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Goals To assist students of any age in developing awareness, knowledge, skills, and commitment to result in informed decisions, responsible behavior, and constructive actions concerning wildlife and the environment.
Mission “The Council for Environmental Education's mission is to provide environmental education programs and services that promote stewardship of the environment and further the capacity of learners to make informed decisions.”
Scary Statistics 1.Young people spend ? Hours using electronic media in a typical day.? 2.? % of children ages 6-9 are overweight.? 3.? % of children who go outside to walk or play at least once per day.? 4.? % Of schools have cut recess.? 5.Children are ? Times more likely to play video games than ride a bike.? 6.? Of pediatricians believe that unstructured play helps build children’s social skills and confidence.? 7.? % of pediatricians believe that unstructured play helps kids from becoming overweight.? 8.? % of pediatricians believe that unstructured play helps kids improve problem-solving skills?
What’s Changed? The truth is…the nature of childhood has changed. There’s not much nature in it.
Tightrope Walking… “Beyond Ecophobia” By David Sobel Ecophobia: Fear of Ecological Problems (deforestation, acid rain, landfills) 56 % worry that the planet will be a very unpleasant place to live.11
3Step Approach to EE Step 1: Ages 4-7 Appreciation Cultivate empathy between child & natural world Focus on what’s around them Explore relationships & emotions
3Step Approach to EE Step # 2: Ages 8-11 Exploration Child’s world expands beyond their home More daring, shall we say?
3Step Approach to EE Step # 3: Ages 12+ Social Action Child’s social interest changes Local, obtainable projects make the greatest impact
Experience. Understand. Appreciate.
Framework Ecological Knowledge Social & Political Knowledge Fish & Wildlife Resources
Activities Model themes or storylines Connect to state standards Focus on grade levels Includes indoor/outdoor time Physical/cerebral centered activities
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
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Activity 4:
Breakout Sessions
Resources: Core Curriculum Next Generation Science Standards STEM NAAEE National Science Standards Head Start NAEYC