1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Detectors R&D D. Peter Siddons a P. O’Connor b a National Synchrotron Light Source Dept. b Instrumentation Division.


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Presentation transcript:

1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Detectors R&D D. Peter Siddons a P. O’Connor b a National Synchrotron Light Source Dept. b Instrumentation Division

2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline Requirements for NSLS-II Detectors NSLS Detector Experience Emerging Technologies for Sensor/Electronics Integration Proposed R&D Plan

3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Goals for NSLS-II Detector Development A pixel detector with multiple-tau time autocorrelation electronics on each pixel Dynamics of systems on the atomic scale. NSLS-II’s quasi-DC brightness will make it an optimal source for this experiment. Megapixel detector with on-pixel correlators can provide sufficient sampling density to access the sub-microsecond domain. 3D technology will provide the necessary integration density. A pixelated detector with on-pixel MCA Simultaneous spectroscopy/diffraction detector. Energy and spatial resolution. X-ray microprobes with microdiffraction and fluorescence analysis on the same sample position with the same detector.

4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS Detectors A series of detectors for selected SR applications has been developed over the past ~5 years Key technologies: Silicon pad and strip detectors (Instrumentation) CMOS Application Specific ICs (Instrumentation) Advanced Data Acquisition hardware and software (NSLS) The highly parallel architectures enabled by these technologies lead to significant performance advantages

5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Rapid XRF Elemental Mapping (BNL/CSIRO collaboration) Pipelined, parallel processor and digitizer Si pad sensor (96 elements) Low-noise preamp (32 x 3 chan.) 10mm Peak detector- multiplexer Hardware: 32-element detector + 2 ASICs + digitizer/processor board. Dynamic Analysis real-time deconvolution demonstrated at 10 8 events/second. X-ray elemental images of Fiji pyrite collected at NSLS X27A beamline. 800 x 500 pixels of 10um x 10um, collected in 5 hr. 20X faster than conventional detector. Increase to 400 elements + NSLS-II brightness would give additional ×10 4 gain.

6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Detector for Diffraction Applications sensor 640 strips 125um pitch 20 ASICs low-noise preamp + discr. + counter Real-time growth / surface modification Beamline X21 in-situ growth endstation Reflectivity / truncation rods / GISAXS Tests at Cornell System under construction for X9 undulator/CFN Inelastic scattering System under construction for Argonne Interest from SSRL 80 mm

7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Limitations of Wirebonded Interconnection pitch throw excess area (can’t tile) NSLS-II detectors will require: larger area (100’s cm 2 ) finer pixels (< 200  m) more processing power/pixel (MCA, correlators) mosaic construction

8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Monolithic Approaches for Sensor/ASIC Integration Common Technology sensor in CMOS process (MAPS) transistor in sensor process (DEPFET, XAMPS) Charge-Shifting capture charge in a potential well and physically move it to output port (CCD, CDD) Physical Connection bump bonding (PbSn, In) direct wafer-wafer bonding

9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Bump-bonding: Examples PX detector Swiss Light Source 1M, 200  m 2 pixels large modules possible but: expensive, esp. for fine-pitch many post-fab process steps Pb fluorescence delamination infrared imager (Raytheon) ATLAS Vertex tracker 85M pixels 2 m 2 silicon

10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES direct wafer-wafer bonding Ultimate goal is monolithic integration of any technology Immediate push in industry is for reducing wireload distribution in digital ICs Science applications being pursued in optical/IR imaging, HEP tracking FNAL and KEK have active HEP designs Processes available at Lincoln Labs, JPL, OKI Semiconductor, IBM

11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 3D CMOS/Photodiode Integration 1024 x 1024 imager oxide bonded 275°C SOI process thinned to 50  m 8  m pixel pitch D vias; yield % 3.8x  m CMOS FETs 2nA/cm 2 dark current 10 frames/sec V. Sunthuralingam, Lincoln Labs (ISSCC2005) bonded 2 wafer imager stack Pixel readout chip for ILC 15  m pixel pitch D vias; yield %  m CMOS FETs per pixel 3 transistor levels 11 metal layers In fab (10/1/2006) at Lincoln Labs R. Yarama, Fermilab (FEE 2006)

12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES R&D Plan FY research the available 3D foundry services and the CAD tools required to access them acquire design capability 1 foundry run (test vehicle) FY further technology experiments as needed design of correlator and MCA chips other detector hardware (vacuum, cooling, motion control) design and production of DAQ hardware control, acquisition, and user interface software

13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Milestones: FY Milestones FY07 Identify R&D partner with 3D capability. Acquire design tools compatible with R&D partner. Research correlator designs. Research ADC designs. FY08 Design a suitable test device to verify 3D capability Fabricate test device with R&D partner.

14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Application Examples Real-time growth / surface modification Beamline X21 in-situ growth endstation Reflectivity / truncation rods / GISAXS Tests at Cornell System under construction for X9 undulator/CFN Inelastic scattering System under construction for Argonne Interest from SSRL

15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Test Data: Maltose Data on same material collected at X16C using flat crystal setup and at X12A using Guinier camera 1 sec/point for crystal instrument, 3274 points 50 sec/point for Guinier instrument (get 5X counts) So full detector of this design would have 300X speed advantage Simple improvements could provide higher intensity for Guinier instrument, easily X3, pushing advantage to 1000X.