Mali and Honduras By: Hayley Litchfield Bella Carrara Lindsay Walker Grace Daly
Definition of Development The act of progress and growth in a country in the areas of economy, agriculture, government, and trade. The country is aware of how to best use it’s resources and further expand their knowledge of their own country.
Water pollutionWater pollution Weather disastersWeather disasters DeforestationDeforestation PoachingPoaching Issues
Water Pollution Due to:Due to: –The rupture of the San Andres’ mining company tube, 150 gallons of chemicals polluted the water.
Deterioration of water sources & feeders Endangers : -Health of population -Investment in sectors -Sustainability of economic & social development -Environmental stability
Hurricane Mitch 1998 Effect: severe flooding that devastated infrastructure & communities Effect: severe flooding that devastated infrastructure & communities Result: killed 5,600 people & caused $1 billion in damage
Deforestation Forests are under attack by loggers seeking pine & mahogany. *Red dots are areas of severe deforestation
Legalities Although there are laws prohibiting illegal logging, monitoring is lacking. Although there are laws prohibiting illegal logging, monitoring is lacking.
Illegal Logging Consumes 75-85% of hardwood productionConsumes 75-85% of hardwood production 30-50% of coniferous production is diminishing forests, biodiversity, while creating social conflicts30-50% of coniferous production is diminishing forests, biodiversity, while creating social conflicts Decreases rainfall, increases evaporationDecreases rainfall, increases evaporation
Geography of Mali In Western Africa Flat, Sandy, plains Sahara Desert Weak rain fall (7-20in/year) Rely on Niger River Sahel
History of Issue in Mali Continuous drought- decline 1980’s great drought-lost 40% of herd Ongoing desertification of the Sahel 2003 famine Lake Banzena dried up
Issues in Mali Deforestation Desertification Droughts Poaching
Desertification a process by which land becomes increasingly dry until almost no vegetation grows on it, making it a desert Desertification is caused by the grazing of animals which kills the grasslands and allows sand to blow over from the Sahara.
Droughts 3.76% is arable land.03% is permanent crop land 96.21% is unusable land
Poaching In mammal and 6 bird species along with 5 plants species were endangered Lack authority to prevent poaching
How it effects development Famine Poverty Loss of useful land and water Food chain
Future of Mali The environment will continue to decline at a steady rate due to the increasing birth rate. The birth rate is predicted to double within the next 20 years which will cause enormous strain on the environment. Also, because most of the land is desert, the country can not produce more goods.
Works Cited "Case Study In Advocacy From Honduras." International Bicycle Fund. 2 June "Country profile: Honduras." BBC News. 2 June "Development Progress." The World Bank. 1 June "Environment." Oxfam's Cool Planet. 3 June Path: m. "An Environmental Crime in Honduras." Mines and Communities. 14 Apr May "Honduras." World Resources Institute. 1 June Honduras This Week Online. 22 July May 2009.