Climatic Anomalies Greenhouse effect vs Global warmingGreenhouse effect vs Global warming Causes of global warmingCauses of global warming Impacts of global warmingImpacts of global warming Ways to combat global warming 1. Individual’s actionIndividual’s action 2. HKSAR governmentHKSAR government 3. International cooperationInternational cooperation
Greenhouse effect vs Global warming Greenhouse effect -blanket effect -Greenhouse gases Global warming -Intensification of greenhouse effect -global temperature rising gradually
Causes of global warming: Increase in GHG GHG: water vapour, CO 2, CH 4, N 2 O, CFCs Natural sources CO 2 : volcanic eruptions, respiration Man-made sources CO 2 : Deforestation, fossil fuels combustion incineration, power plant, industries
Impacts of global warming Physical environment: Climate, sea-level, soil, plants and animals Socio-economic: Agriculture, forestry, energy, recreation, navigation, health Case studies: 1. HKSARHKSAR 2. Mainland China
Ways to combat global warming: Individual’s action 3R: reduce + recycle + reuse Use public transport Use clean energy Use eco-friendly products Plant trees Educate others
Ways to combat global warming: HKSAR government RAMSAR World Summit 2002 Kyoto Protocol: - HKSAR Mainland China - Non-annex I Parties Reduce CO 2 emission - Power plants: Nuclear, Coal, Natural gas, Oil - LPG cars
Ways to combat global warming : International cooperation 1992 Earth Summit – UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) 1997 Kyoto Protocol:Kyoto Protocol 5. 2% reduction of 1990 levels between World Summit – ratify Kyoto Protocol
Koyoto Protocol 京都協議 Elements Countries: Annex I(MDC), Non-annex I(LDC) Commitments, e.g. EU-8%, USA-7%, Russia 0% Implementation 1. Joint Implementation ( 聯合實施 ) 2. Emission Trading ( 排放交易 ) 3. Clean Development Mechanism ( 淨化發展機制 ) 4. Carbon sinks ( 碳吸納 )
Koyoto Protocol 京都協議 Ratification 確認 - 55%CO 2 e+55 countries Will not ratify: USA, Australia Willing(?) to ratify: Russia ( 17.4% CO2 emission), 2003 ?? Ratified: Almost 100 countries (44 % CO2 emission).
Koyoto Protocol 京都協議 Objections Countries so reluction to cooperate: USA Professionals’ objections: Oil companies Environmental scientists
Koyoto Protocol 京都協議 Arguments - Responsibility MDC - “Everyone’s responsibility” - fairness LDC - “Polluter pays” - need technology+ money - suffer the most
Case studies: HKSAR Temperature Sea level Extreme weather Food Hill Fires Energy Health Recreation Coastal ecosystem