benchmarks Prepared By : Arafat El-madhoun Supervised By:eng. Mohammad temraz
What is the benchmarks? Is a packet test is downloaded and running on your computer in order to operate on the test performance on the CPU and was originally called Actual They vary in species and uses it works by default on the computer as possible person to see those packets which are tests performed by, but did not see operations That are in the CPU
Why use the benchmarks? Used to work on measuring the performance of your computer and processor performance and was originally called Actual he is working to measure processor and was originally called In terms of how to read the data and how to obtain the data and how to navigate the data and how fast data transfer Is used when improvement of the computer in the performance is Operators packages benchmarks to be measuring the strength and effectiveness of the improvement that has been on the CPU and the transfer of data is used in large companies When measuring the improvement that has been on the CPU and how quickly the transfer of information
How it works benchmarks? Con… Work the work of the benchmarks tested on the CPU and memory By default Which is placed packages of the test on the computer is installed and then after that they operate packets the system default between the processor and was originally called to be those packets are data too large and play in that case to send such data to the processor, memory and expanded most dramatically in order to measure the extent of reception such information and speed of transmission
Con… Con… and speed of processing and accuracy of performance in the transfer of data from and then you eject full report, which is described in which everything and processes that take place could not see but can see the test surface but this test is the shape surface for testing, but could not see the processes that take place in pushing data to the CPU and transfer and was received
Type benchmarks…… Con… Integer Benchmark……. gzip, bzip compression vpr FPGA place & route gcc compiler mcf min cost flow network crafty chess parser natural language perl perl language interpreter vortex object-oriented database system eon C++, ray trace gap computational group theory twolf place & route
type…. Floating Point Benchmark …… wupside chromo dynamics mgrid multigrid solver for 3d field applu partial differential equations mesa 3D graphics galgel fluid dynamics art image recognition aspi meteorology equake wave propagation facerec image processing ammp computational chemistry lucas number theory fma3d finite elements sixtrack nuclear physics
Thanks a lot for all of you, we hope it was beneficial and interesting presentation Best regards Arafat El-mdhoun Arafat El-mdhoun