By Dale Knight
History of the WordPress Name Besides the technical terminology of WordPress, it's also interesting to know the history of the name, WordPress. The name "WordPress" was originally coined by Christine Selleck (see related post) in response to developer Matthew Mullenweg's desire to associate his new software project with printing presses. In this sense, press refers to the world of reporters, journalists, columnists, and photographers. An aptly chosen name, because WordPress serves as the printing press that enables its users to publish their words. It's a good name, don't you think so?Christine Sellecksee related postdeveloperMatthew Mullenweg'sprinting presses
This is your default blog Kinda fuglicious.. Lets fix that.
Login On the bottom right of your new site, click Login. If you dont see that, the address will be
Login This will be the login (lastname first initial) and password you been given!
Your Dashboard… and Adding a theme Click Appearance and then choose Theme
Write a post Click Posts, click Add New. Make sure you choose Post and not Page. (Pages are static things like About Us, or Contact.)
Clickity, click, click click Enter a title, and content. You can add a category on the right hand side.
Future Posts - Timestamp Write many posts released over time. Let your blog work for you while you are off doing other things.
Tweaking site, using Widgets Click Appearance and then Widgets
Widgets Widgets allow you to add standard functionality to your blog. Stuff like having a list of posts in the side bar. Or showing a calender
Adding widgets All you have to do is drag and drop any widget onto the sidebar. It will then be on your site.
How a widget looks Heres the widget we just added… this is the Recent Posts widget with a title I called Recent Hotness
Plugins Click Plugins and then Add new. Plugins open up tons and tons of powerful functions. Think of them like a widget, but typically more powerfull.
FireFox Web Browser Use two tabs per blog. Allows WordPress Theme view of post before publishing. Copy post ID number from Administration Panels
WordPress Press-It & QuickPress Quick posting to your blog. Built-in feature of WordPress. QuickPress found on the Dashboard Panel Press-It on Tools Panel Click and drag to your browser toolbar.
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