Global warming is increase the avarage temperature of ocean and world atmosphere. This situation is very evident the last 50 years. The avarage temperature is increase 0.6 C in 20. century.
Causes of the Global Warming
Scientists have spent decades figuring out what is causing global warming. They've looked at the natural cycles and events that are known to influence climate. But the amount and pattern of warming that's been measured can't be explained by these factors alone. The only way to explain the pattern is to include the effect of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted by humans.
Thought to cause of global warming, increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Such as gases carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane gas. This gases prevents the reflection to space radiation coming from the sun. When sunlight reaches Earth's surface some is absorbed and warms the earth and most of the rest is radiated back to the atmosphere at a longer wavelength than the sun light. Some of these longer wavelengths are absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere before they are lost to space. The absorption of this longwave radiant energy warms the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases act like a mirror and reflect back to the Earth some of the heat energy which would otherwise be lost to space. The reflecting back of heat energy by the atmosphere is called the "greenhouse effect".
The major reason of the global warming is increase the rate of the carbon dioxide. Altough plants makes photosynthesis and absorb the carbon dioxide but, releasing the carbon dioxide is over the capacity of earth and reason of this creates a greenhouse effect on the planet.
Man-made Causes Man-made causes probably do the most damage. There are many man-made causes. Pollution is one of the biggest man-made problems. Pollution comes in many shapes and sizes. Burning fossil fuels is one thing that causes pollution. Fossil fuels are fuels made of organic matter such as coal, or oil. When fossil fuels are burned they give off a green house gas called CO2.
More people means more food, and more methods of transportation. That means more methane because there will be more burning of fossil fuels, and more agriculture.
Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants. Our ever increasing addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide emissions from burning gasoline for transportation With our population growing at an alarming rate, the demand for more cars and consumer goods means that we are increasing the use of fossil fuels for transportation and manufacturing.
Methane emissions from animals, agriculture such as rice paddies, and from Arctic seabeds Methane is another extremely potent greenhouse gas, ranking right behind CO2. When organic matter is broken down by bacteria under oxygen-starved conditions as in rice paddies, methane is produced. The process also takes place in the intestines of herbivorous animals, and with the increase in the amount of concentrated livestock production, the levels of methane released into the atmosphere is increasing.
Deforestation, especially tropical forests for wood, pulp, and farmland The use of forests for fuel (both wood and for charcoal) is one cause of deforestation, but in the first world, our appetite for wood and paper products, our consumption of livestock grazed on former forest land, and the use of tropical forest lands for commodities like palm oil plantations contributes to the mass deforestation of our world.
Increase in usage of chemical fertilizers on croplands In the last half of the 20th century, the use of chemical fertilizers has risen dramatically. The high rate of application of nitrogen-rich fertilizers has effects on the heat storage of cropland and the run-off of excess fertilizers creates ‘dead- zones’ in our oceans.
Results of the Global Warming
Rise in sea levels worldwide Scientists predict an increase in sea levels worldwide due to the melting of two massive ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland, especially on the East coast of the U.S.
Massive crop failures According to recent research, there is a 90% chance that 3 billion people worldwide will have to choose between moving their families to milder climes and going hungry due to climate change within 100 years.
Widespread extinction of species According to research published in Nature, by 2050, rising temperatures could lead to the extinction of more than a million species. And because we can’t exist without a diverse population of species on Earth, this is scary news for humans.
In west Europa, millions of people living in wetland and poverty.
In 2080’s, more than 2.5 billions of people on the coastline affected the flood.
Little of the alps glaciers disappear, after the 2050 some of the big ones melt between the %30 and %70.
Tourism in Mediterranean decrease in summer and increase in spring and autmn./// The present paper investigates climate changes and associated sectoral impacts in the Mediterranean at the time of 2 °C global warming. A global mean temperature change of 2 °C is considered to be a critical level beyond which dangerous climate change occurs
Until the 2100 sea level is increase about 60cm. This graph shows observed sea level change from 1950 to 2000 based on tide gauge measurements (black line), and seven models for sea level change until 2100 (colored lines).
There are many problem of hunger in Asia.
In 2020, in Asia, 1.2 billions of people encounter the lack of water.
Glaciers in north pole, decrease the about %30 until 2100.
CONCLUSION Global warming is affecting plants, animals, humans and the earth. We need to learn how to conserve our use of fossil fuels to minimize carbon dioxide production. This will slow down the effects of global warming