Environmental Health Unit: Final Assessment / Unit Test Objectives: TSWBAT take knowledge from the environmental health unit of how to protect water, air, land and soil and apply it to completing an open notes unit test.
Let’s Review! Take out your notes from this unit. I will be going over key points / objectives from this unit. You will see these points not only on the unit test today but the mid term in January and the final exam in June. If you are missing these items in your notes – ADD THEM!!!
Lesson One – The Intro… What is environmental health? – The study of humans & their interactions with the environment What does a professional in environmental health work to protect? – Air, water, soil, food What are global environmental health issues? – Population growth Over 7 billion people on earth – we are running out of room! – Poverty and hunger Land suitable for growing crops is now inhabited by humans – Greenhouse effect and global warming Increase air temperatures are caused by greenhouse gas emissions – Ozone Destruction Caused by CFC’s (from aerosol cans, air conditioners, etc.) be released in the atmosphere Ozone filters UV rays from the sun – increase the chance of skin cancer – Deforestation / destruction of the rain forest Cutting down rain forests for timber We need oxygen to survive!
Lesson Two – Laws & Agencies Agencies: – EPA – OSHA – NIOSH Laws: – 8 laws…do you have the correct definitions?!
Lesson 3 – Protecting Land & Water Wastes – Industrial, hazardous or radioactive – Can be flammable, corrosive or reactive Deforestation (from lesson one) Biodegradable – Breaks down / absorbed into the environment Recycling – “Reduce / reuse / recycle” Conservation – How can we reduce pollution – how that action can positively affect the environment
Lesson 4 & 5 – Air Quality and Car Activity Outdoor Air Pollution Terms: – Ozone (from lesson one) – Smog Brownish haze that sometimes forms in urban areas – Greenhouse Gasses Emitted into the atmosphere from cars, busses, trucks, heating systems and industries – Carbon monoxide Indoor Air Pollution terms: – Radon Naturally formed in rock and soil below homes and businesses SECOND LEADING cause lung cancer from your home other than smoking – Asbestos Insulation used in old homes and businesses LEADING cause lung cancer from your home other than smoking – CO (carbon monoxide) Colorless and odorless gas Prevents oxygen from reaching body tissue – Lead Found in paint in old homes Can cause damage to the kidneys, liver, brain, nerves; heart disease
Lesson 6: Conservation Global Warming (from lesson one) Recycling How can we reduce pollution? How that action can positively affect the environment? “Reduce / Reuse / recycle” “Think Globally – Act Locally”
Does anyone have any questions or want me to review any material again? Are you ready to take the test?!
Today’s Goals Unit Test: – Test is done individually. You may not talk or share notes with others or use your cellphone until all tests are collected!! – All questions come directly from your notes for power points, the textbook, today’s power point and activities done this unit. After the Unit Test: – Turn your test into the ‘to be graded bin’ by the windows (make sure your name is on the test!) – Did you turn in all unit classwork…including the poster activity?! – Take the packet titled ‘Adolescent Medical History Form’ next to the bin: It is important that you do not put your name on the worksheet. Try your best to answer the questions knowing that I will never collect it or look at it. This form will be used next class meeting for the introduction of Consumer Health Unit