INTRO Objective 02/11/2013 Explain the relationship between the greenhouse effect and global warming. What is global warming? Did humans cause it to happen?
Global Warming Play HeatWaves Video
Global Warming What is the “Greenhouse Effect”? The warming of the earth due to an excess amount of: Carbon Dioxide Water Vapor Other gases Play Greenhouse Effect Video
Global Warming Is this natural? Yes, but… An excess of these gases makes it worse
Global Warming
What is “Global Warming”? A gradual increase in average global temperature
Global Warming What causes GW and the GHE? Pollution Burning fossil fuels Deforestation
Global Warming Who/what is effected by this? Climate Plants Animals Play Extreme Weather Video
Global Warming So… what can be done? Pollution laws International Treaties Caring! Play Changes Video Then Play Melting Alaska Video
Objective 02/11/2013 Outro Explain the relationship between the greenhouse effect and global warming. What can you do to help stop global warming? (3 things)