Understanding Personality Types Best Approaches for Working with Different People
The Brain Cerebral Limbic Left Right
HBDI Rational Organised Experimental Feeling Cerebral Thinking Processes Limbic Thinking Processes Left Thinking Processes Right Thinking Processes
Rational / Theorist Meticulous Analyse Qualify Logic Critical Realistic Numbers Quantitative Rational Coherent Valid Sensible Accurate = Words and facts
Experimental / Innovator Pioneering Imagines Speculates Takes risks Impetuous Breaks rules Likes Surprises Unconventional Unorthodox Strategic Synthesising Simultaneous Curious Playful Intuitive Holistic = Words/images, metaphors & paradoxes
Organised Methodical Organised Sequential Procedures Reliable Systematic Disciplined Arranged Prepared Controlled Get things done Orderly Planned Neat Timely Detail = Orderly detailed approach
Feeling / Humanist Considerate Sensitive Touches (a lot) Supportive Expressive Emotional Talks (a lot) Interpersonal Understanding Sympathetic Appreciative Caring Thoughtful Tolerant Kind Feels Teaches = Connecting words & images
Thinking - In Action….. WHO? WHY? HOW? WHAT?
The Whole Brain in Business Suggestions often emotional Has an intuitive feel for people involved Values are important Feelings of suspicion and jealousy might limit vision Usually eager to share ideas Often brings new insight to the idea Enthusiastic about ideas Human aspects are fundamental Solves problems in an intuitive way Sees the big picture Visualises the facts Is full of ideas and stimulating suggestions Sees opportunity and likes to speculate Likes alternatives Often has new and innovative ideas Likes to take risks Keeps eye on the future Organises/arranges facts (in categories, according to plan) Deals with facts chronologically Checks the facts Can be critical of ideas Finds faults and weaknesses in ideas of others Seeks detail and elaborations Practical aspects important Prefers tried and tested methods Analyses the facts Wants things to be correct Sees the facts clearly (little emotion) Gathers all information Has a neutral stance Sees problems rationally Deals with facts in a logical way Focuses on preciseness/ exactness
Management Styles Become involved in it Build teams to do it Conceptualise it Strategise it Implement it Act on it Analyse it Problem Solve it
Learning Styles Sharing Internalising Moving and Feeling Involving Exploring Discovering Conceptualising Synthesising Organising Sequencing Evaluating Proacticing Quantifying Analysing Theorising Logically Processing
Other Services We Offer……… Third Sigma International provides services in –Executive Coaching –Performance Coaching –Group Facilitation –Corporate Training and Personal Development –Mediation and Conflict Resolution throughout Australia. We develop dynamic effective leaders and fantastic communicators Please ask us about other areas where we can be of assistance to your organisation. Tel: