Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Copyright © 2001 South-Western College Publishing Co. Objectives O U T L I N E Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job 1 8 C H A P T E R
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing 1. Describe a process that will help you to find an employer who is suited to your specific employment needs and career interests. 2. Write an appropriate cover letter to accompany your resume. 3. Write an appropriate follow-up letter asking for an interview. 4.List basic interview goals and describe interview skills. 5.Rehearse effectively for your interview. 6.Anticipate what interviewers and corporate recruiters want. Learning Objectives
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing 7. Explain behavioral-based interviewing and how it works. 8. Identify questions you should be prepared to answer. 9. Identify questions you don’t have to answer, unless you want to. 10.Explain how to handle illegal or unethical questions. 11.List questions you might want to ask an interviewer. 12.Describe why interviews fail and explain how to make yours succeed. Learning Objectives
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing FINDING THE RIGHT EMPLOYER Describe a process for finding an employer suited to your interests. Employers are looking for people with: skill potential enthusiasm experience You are looking for: new opportunity the chance to grow the opportunity to learn developing into a professional Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing RESEARCHING THE COMPANIES YOU WANT TO WORK FOR Finding The Right Employer Beginning Your Research Publicly-owned companies: easier to find information than privately-held firms. Corporations: easier to find information than about their subsidiaries or divisions. Large national or international firms: easier to find information than local or regional firms. Information from the library may be dated. Approaching An Employer Interviewing for a Job Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Describe a process for finding an employer suited to your interests.
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Finding The Right Employer Current periodicals, journals and electronic databases : fresh information No single source will have everything Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job Preparing for Your Interview with Useful Information Reference books: The Directory of Corporate Affiliations The I & S Index of Corporations and Industries For information about a targeted company: Advertising Age Business Week Forbes Describe a process for finding an employer suited to your interests.
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Write an appropriate cover letter. Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job Meeting People in a Company You Want to Work For Begin with the Placement and Career Office on your campus: attend an informative briefing Visit the Alumni Association on your campus APPROACHING AN EMPLOYER Writing Cover Letters What Is a Cover Letter? to accompany the resume - brief, not more than one page.
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job What Are They Used For? to get noticed to establish that you are interested in a position to convince that you are the correct person What Are the Risks as You Write One? Essential to include but may not get read Blind Prospecting Research the company first Requesting an Informational Meeting Be specific about the meeting time and date Write an appropriate cover letter.
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Write appropriate follow-up letters asking for an interview. Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job Responding to an Advertised Position Refer specifically to the position title and description in the advertisement in your first paragraph Style and Tone in a Cover Letter Be professional, use personal pronouns, be brief Writing Follow-Up Letters Before the Interview Be brief, to the point, and ask for an interview. After the Interview Send a letter of appreciation Be concise, warm and sincere
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing List basic interview goals and describe basic interview skills. Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job Goals of an Interview To provide information to an employer about yourself To gather information about that employer and the job that’s offered To make a decision about whether to accept a job To find a good cultural match and a good fit of skills and needs. INTERVIEWING FOR A JOB
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Rehearse effectively for your interview. Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job Planning for an Interview Pre-Interview Strategies Carefully examine the companies Seek an interview for the right reasons Prepare a series of questions that are directly related to the job The Day of the Interview What to Wear Conservative, sensible, upscale business suit What Not to Wear No casual attire, no running shoes, no tight skirts
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job What to Bring with You Your letter of appointment or invitation Directions to the interview location Several clean copies of your resume Greeting Skills Nonverbal skills Sit up straight - don’t slouch Cross your legs in a demure, professional manner Make and maintain eye contact with the interviewer Don’t exhibit nervous mannerisms: thumb-twiddling Shake hands firmly Follow the interviewer’s moves Rehearse effectively for your interview.
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job Listening Skills Pay attention to what’s going on Follow the conversation: listen and talk Remember what’s said Respond to the question that’s just been asked Recall in detail information from a first interview Listen between the lines Responding to Questions Provide thoughtful, assertive, confident answers that are phrased in complete sentences. Rehearse effectively for your interview.
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job Handling Illegal or Unethical Questions Try to focus on the issue - not the question. You decide what to reveal Inquire why the information is needed Questions You Might Want to Ask What are the duties of this position? Will the responsibilities change with time? Is there a probation period? What is the starting date? Wrap-Up Skills Thank the interviewer Explain how to handle illegal or unethical questions.
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Anticipate what interviewers want. Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job After the Interview Make a note of who you spoke to and the subjects discussed. What are Interviewers Looking For Intelligence and interpersonal skills What Turns Interviewers Off? Not being truthful, improper grammar Understanding What Interviewers Want Communication skills, motivation, enthusiasm maturity, interpersonal skills, intelligence, creativity, flexibility, adaptability, humor, ability to react.
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Explain behavioral-based interviewing and how it works. Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job Behavioral-Based Interviewing To elicit responses that will help an employer find out more about specific, job-related behaviors. To evaluate the following characteristics: Your ability to communicate directly and openly Your conflict resolution and stress management skills Your honesty and integrity Accountability for actions Your good decision-making skills Your ability to serve as a positive role model
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Describe why interviews fail and explain how to make yours succeed. Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job Your ability to support others Your ability to live with ambiguity Your ability to give positive feedback and recognition Your teamwork skills Your ability to know and do what is expected Reasons Interviews Fail See the following web address for a list: If You Are Offered a Job Accept: respond promptly and provide thanks
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job How to Delay Accepting a Job Offer Decline: Write to the firm, declining the offer in direct but polite terms. Request an extension: explain that an extension will help you make an informed and responsible decision The offer sounds fair. Can you put it in writing? Can I have time to contact others with whom I have not yet met in the organization? I’d like to talk it over with my spouse. Describe why interviews fail and explain how to make yours succeed.
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing Finding The Right Employer Approaching An Employer Researching the Companies You Want to Work For Interviewing for a Job It sounds great but I will be out of town for a week. May I contact you after the trip? May I come in next week to discuss the details? I have received another offer. I promised to notify the company before accepting another offer. Thanks for the offer, but I’m not totally convinced that this job is for me based on concerns about relocation. I’d like to check out the area first. Describe why interviews fail and explain how to make yours succeed.
Learning Objective Chapter 18 Assessing Employers and Interviewing The End Copyright © 2000 South-Western College Publishing Co.