Chapter 2 : Overview of C By Suraya Alias
/*The classic HelloWorld */ #include int main(void) { printf(“Hello World!!"); return 0; }
/*The classic HelloWorld */ These are comments, starts with /* ends with */, // is used to comment out per line. #include Lines begin with # is the preprocessing directives which communicates with the processor. #include means to include standard header file that has definitions such as printf and scanf. The other preprocessor directive is #define, such as #define HOUR 60, which means that the constant macro HOUR has the value of 60. Syntax : #define NAME value
int main (void) The main function is where the execution begins. The braces { } enclose the main function body, which contains declaration and executable statements. The keyword int indicates that the main function returns an integer value 0 after the execution ends. The keyword void means the main function takes no argument The function body has two parts : declaration and executable statements. Every declarations and statements ends with semicolon ; in C programming
Reserved words a word that has special meaning in C Such as int, void, double and return Standard Identifiers also has special meaning such as printf and scanf User Defined Identifiers user can define their own identifiers such as HOUR, KM_PER_MILE An identifier must consist only letters, digit and underscore An identifier cannot begin with a digit A C reserved word cannot be used as an identifier Lowercase and uppercase identifiers does make a different in C. The names Rate and rate and RATE is considered as different identifiers.
Variables a memory cell used to store value and can be changed as the programs executes Variable Declaration statement that tells the compiler the variable name and the value stored in the variable. The Variable declarations starts with an identifier followed by the variable name such as : int count; double x, y, x; char w; Data types a set of values and operations that can be performed on those values Data type int – to represent integers in C, such as 77 Data type double – a real number that is separated by decimal point, such as and 0.09 Data type char – represents an individual character value such as a letter, digit or special symbol. Such as ‘A’, ‘7’, ‘:’
The printf function Used for printing formatted output and prompting message printf(“Please enter a number>”) printf(“That equals %f kilometers.\n ”, kms); That equals kilometers %f is the placeholder which is replaced by the value from kms A placeholder always begins with the symbol % The scanf function Used to read formatted input scanf(“%lf”, &miles); The format “%lf” is the placeholder that tells scanf what kind of data to copy to variable miles The name of each variable is preceded by & character
PlaceholderVariable typeFunction used %cCharprintf/scanf %dIntprintf/scanf %fDoublePrintf %lfDoublescanf Multiple placeholder printf (“Hi %c%c%c – you will be %d years old today \n”, letter_1, letter_2, letter_3, age); Will display as Hi BOB – you will be 32 years old today
Arithmetic OperatorMeaningExamples +Addition5 + 2 is 7, =7.0 -Subtraction5-2 is 3, is 2.0 *Multiplication5*2 is 10, 5.0*2.0 is 10.0 /Division5/2 is 2, 5.0/2.0 is 2.5 %remainder5%2 is 1 Rules for evaluating Expression 1)Parentheses rules 1)Solve or evaluate expression in bracket first 2)Operator Precedence Rules 1)Unary + - 2)* / % 3)Binary + - 3)Associativity Rules 1)For same level, left to right
Formatting values of Type int By using field width printf(“Results: %3d meters = %4d ft. %2d in. \n”, meters, feet, inches); Results : 21 meters= 68 ft. 11 in. Formatting values of Type double To display the value of x to an accuracy of 2 decimal place we can use the placeholder %6.2f Example : x is will be displayed as
Interactive mode A mode where user responds to prompt by entering data Batch mode Programs scans data from data file
Using the FILE * command FILE *inp, /* pointer to input file*/ *outp; /* pointer to output file*/ /* Open the input and output files. */ inp = fopen("D:\\distance.txt", "r"); outp = fopen("D:\\distanceout.txt", "w"); /* Get and echo the distance in miles. */ fscanf(inp, "%lf", &miles); fprintf(outp, "The distance in miles is %.2f.\n", miles); /* Display the distance in kilometers. */ fprintf(outp, "That equals %.2f kilometers.\n", kms); /* Close files. */ fclose(inp); fclose(outp);