During an Interview: It’s Show Time Section 7.2 During an Interview: It’s Show Time
WHAT YOU’LL LEARN How to create the right first impression by displaying a good attitude and communicating effectively continued
Effective responses to typical and tough interview questions WHAT YOU’LL LEARN Effective responses to typical and tough interview questions Strategies for managing interview stress
WHY IT’S IMPORTANT Your ability to project a positive first impression is essential for achieving success in your career and personal life.
KEY TERMS body language role-playing problem solving stress
At the Top of the List: Attitude Many employers look for the right attitude in a potential employee. Let your smile and enthusiasm project your positive attitude.
Body Talk Body language is the gestures, posture, and eye contact you use to send messages. Eye contact, for example, shows that you’re paying attention.
Body Talk A firm handshake signals self-confidence. Nodding your head shows that you are thinking, while biting your nails may suggest that you’re too nervous to handle the job.
Body Talk Good manners count.
Speaking for Success Interview success depends not only on what you say but also on how you say it. Use standard English and show the communication skills that employers look for.
Typical Questions Questions you should be ready to answer include: What goals have you set for yourself? What do think are your greatest strengths? Your greatest weaknesses? Why did you apply to our company? continued
Typical Questions Why would you be right for this job? Where do you see yourself in five years?
Typical Questions Honesty is the best policy. If you don’t understand a question, ask the interviewer to clarify it. Interviewers prefer specific answers that show you think clearly.
Tough Questions Sometimes an interviewer will ask tough questions to see how you react under pressure.
Tough Questions Tough questions you might encounter include: How can the company be assured that you’ll give us your best effort? What qualities do you have that offset your lack of experience? continued
Tough Questions Are you going to move to a better job as soon as you’re finished here? Why should I hire you? Why should I trust you? How would you describe your relationship with your current employer?
Tough Questions When you are asked tough questions, stay calm and don’t get defensive. Turn tough questions around to focus on your skills.
Tough Questions If a panel of several people interviews you, stay calm and address one question at a time. There is often no right answer to tough questions. It’s how you answer that counts.
Tough Questions Questions you should be prepared to ask include: What are the employee benefits? Does the company pay for training? What is the potential for growth in this company?
Standing in the Spotlight Role-playing is acting out a role in a make-believe situation. Some interviewers use role-playing as a chance to evaluate your skills.
Standing in the Spotlight Problem solving means using thinking skills to find solutions to problems, such as theoretical problems posed by an interviewer.
Standing in the Spotlight Some interviewers expect you to do all the talking; they only ask vague questions such as, “Tell me about yourself.” This type of interview sounds casual, but it can prove very difficult.
Standing in the Spotlight Prepare a brief mental outline of what points you will cover in case your interview is unstructured. Highlight your qualifications, including your relevant skills, experience, and personal qualities.
Standing in the Spotlight Make sure to mention why you would like to work for the company. This is where your company research will come in handy.
Can They Ask That? An interviewer does not have the right to ask you about: children or child care, age, disabilities, citizenship, continued
Can They Ask That? lawsuits against you, or AIDS or HIV status.
Can They Ask That? If an interviewer asks you a question that isn’t job-related, you might say, “I assure you that this area is not a problem. Let me tell you about the skills I have that fit this job.”
The Stress Factor Stress is the emotional and physical tension that is body’s natural response to conflict.
The Stress Factor If you feel great stress in an interview, stop trying so hard—relax and be yourself. The worst thing that can happen is that you don’t get the job. There are other jobs.
Wrapping it Up At the end of the interview, you may be offered the job on the spot. If you aren’t, thank the interviewer and ask when they hope to make a decision.
Interviewing Skills Graphic Organizer 7.2 Prepare yourself BEFORE DURING AFTER Prepare yourself Arrive on time Attitude Body language Confidence Thank-you note Follow up Chapter 7 • Interviewing Succeeding in the World of Work
Key Concept Checkpoint SECTION 7.2 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension Why is a positive attitude essential to succeeding in the workplace? continued
Key Concept Checkpoint SECTION 7.2 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension Where in the job market do you see yourself in five years? continued
Key Concept Checkpoint SECTION 7.2 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension Why do you think employers ask tough questions? How do you control interview stress? continued
Key Concept Checkpoint SECTION 7.2 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Critical Thinking Why should you ask questions at the end of an interview?
During an Interview: It’s Show Time End of Section 7.2 During an Interview: It’s Show Time