Status of Fast Tracking Algorithm MdcHough Guowei YU 8 th March 2006
Outline Introduction MdcHough Algorithm Results and Discussions Summary
Introduction Algorithm Developments in MDC Reconstruction Presented by W.D.Li,Migrated from ATLAS DeveloperOffline AlgorithmEvents filter Algorithm S.L.ZangMdc Tracking Y.ZhangMdcPatRec X.M.ZhangMdcFastTrk G.W.YUMdcHough
Purpose Efficient track finding Nice transverse momentum resolution High efficiency of track finding at high noise level
MdcHough Algorithm 43 layers,19 axial type |cos |<0.93 Cell is near square ~8.1mm Interaction point Cosθ=0.83 Cosθ=0.93
Flow of MdcHough HitsPTPT Initial track finding Local maximum finding Track selection and Merging Track fitting MdcHough
Initial track finding ( use a LUT-base Hough Transform) (R, ) ( ,1/p T ) [ (0~2 ) p T (400MeV~ )] qC T R=sin ( – 0 ) C T = 0.3/p T Build a wire-ordered look-up table ( 1/p T = 300 100). wire n+1 wire n active wire n-1 wire.. Bin 1Bin 2…Bin 100 Bin 1Bin 2…Bin 100 Bin 1Bin 2…Bin 100. wire-ordered LUT Flow of MdcHough
Local maximum finding (select good track candidates by wired- oreded LUT) Track selection and Merging N hit > 15 Merge some tracks sharing more than 9 hits Flow of MdcHough
Track fitting Obtain hits from Bin-ordered LUT Fitting track to get P T by using lpav tool. bin n+1 bin n bin bin n-1 number.. wire 1wire 2…wire 19 wire 1wire 2…wire 19 wire 1wire 2…wire 19. bin-ordered LUT Flow of MdcHough
Results and Discussion Track Reconstruction CPU Time ~ 1ms/1 track Resolution of P T (1.0GeV ) Generate (P T :1GeV) by Fixpt Efficiency of Reconstruction ( ) VS cos (polar angular) p=8.0 MeV
Efficiency of Reconstruction VS P T ( e p) Momentum resolution VS P T (μ,e,π,p) Double Gauss Fit
Noise level type 0: = C type 1: 1/r type 2: 1/r 2 (P T :1.0GeV ) Efficiency vs noise Resolution VS noise
Summary It costs about 1ms to reconstruct 1 track Efficiency of reconstruction( ) : >99% (P T >300MeV) for single track >99% when noise level are 5%,10%,15% and 20% decrease quickly when polar angular more than 0.8 Resolution of momentum( p): P T < 1.0GeV p of proton is more than others P T > 1.0GeV p keeps about same value for all particles p turns bad at noise level is more than 10% in type “0” Same results by adding wires shift; Further work is to enhance near polar angular and test the Algorithm in adjusted magnetic field