A B C’s of Northern The Right Road to Follow
A Attendance Attitude Academics Achievement
B BE Respectful BE Responsible BE Willing to Learn BE a Team Player
Character C Respect Loyalty Honesty Compassion Perseverance Adaptability Trustworthy Responsibility Courage Optimism Initiative Contemplation
Be Respectful Listen to others Be kind and caring Allow for personal space Bully Free
Be Responsible Follow area rules Use appropriate language and gestures Keep a safe environment, duty to report Take care of this place, yourself, and each other
Be Willing to Learn Do your own work Complete all assignments Be prepared with supplies & assignments
Be a Team Player Appropriate behavior is the norm Keep a positive attitude Do your part – be an active learner
Common Area Expectations
Arrival Procedures Be on time. If you arrive before 8:00 am, go directly to the cafeteria. Keep noise level low when you enter the building and respect the space of others. Follow safety procedures in the parking lot and exiting the buses and cars. Come directly into the building upon arrival. When you enter, eat breakfast and use the restroom in the tan hall before going to homeroom. Do not wander the halls. Go directly to your homeroom.
Hallway Expectations Walk on the right side Walk single-file by two’s Respect the space of others Keep noise level to a minimum Go directly to your assigned location
Restroom Expectations Go, Flush, Wash, Leave Keep noise level to a minimum Respect the privacy of others Keep it clean
Cafeteria Expectations Wait patiently and quietly Respect the space of others Keep noise level to a minimum Remain seated as assigned Empty your tray when finished eating Clean your area Know your lunch number Remember your manners
Library Expectations Keep noise level to a minimum Stay focused on your assignment Respect the space of others Remain with class
Classroom Expectations NO Gum NO Electronics (must go into your locker) Cell Phones off from 8:00 am - 3:30pm Follow Team and Teacher rules and procedures
Substitutes Treat a substitute as you would your teacher, or even better! Be willing to help. Remember you ABC’s. Stay in your assigned seat. Complete assigned work. Follow rules and expectations even if the substitute does not know them!
Personal Items Do not borrow or take personal items from others If you bring an item to school, your are responsible for it. Keep it in your locker!
Gym Use Expectations Wait until your teacher/coach is with you before entering the gym Change clothes in locker room only. Use equipment properly and return to storage location. Participate in the fun Show school spirit Show respect to your opponents.
Assembly Expectations Stay with your class/team Focus on the program Clap when appropriate Raise hand for questions & respond to speaker Sit quietly Respect the space of others
Dismissal Procedures Each team will have exiting rules which need to be followed. Keep noise level low when you enter the halls and respect the space of others. Follow safety procedures in the parking lot and exiting the buses and cars. Bus riders need to get to the bus as quickly as possible. Parent pick-up student need to go directly to your pick-up room. Follow the rules for your pick-up area. Cell phones and other electronics need to remain off until 3:30. If you stay for an after school activity, go directly to that location when you are dismissed.
Respect on the Bus Allow for personal space Respect the property of others Keep hands and feet to self Keep interactions “G” rated (no hugging, kissing, or public displays of affection) Use language appropriate for all ages
Loading & Unloading Buses Go directly to your seat as assigned by the driver Stay in the seat until the bus comes to a complete stop Stay in single file Move in and out of the danger zone safely
While the Bus is Moving Sit safely with your back to the back and your bottom to the bottom Voice Level – 2 Conversational level Keep body parts inside the bus Only talk to the person in your seat
Bus Responsibility Clean up after yourself! Keep all belongings in your backpack and in the seat with you (including food and drink) Take care of the bus and each other
Field Trips Listen to guides and speakers. Keep appropriate noise level for location. Use manners! Stay with your assigned group. Focus on the information being presented. Watch out for your team mates.