Operation tools: Quick Look Analysis, Trend Analysis and Sky Predictor M.-A. Miville-Deschênes Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay, France Planck Science Ground Segment Implementation Review, ESTEC, January 25, 2007
Operation tools: purpose and goals Quick Look Analysis (QLA) –General visualisation tool to inspect the data on several timescales (minutes, hours, days) : realtime or not –Raw data and results of first order analysis –Access to all relevant informations (science and HK) Trend Analysis (TA) –Long term computation and data quality assessment –Production of daily and weekly reports giving a quick view of the instrument behavior and of the data quality. –These reports will be used to Re-scheduled parts of the survey if needed Optimize the instrument parameters to always the best raw data quality at a given time –Need to be able to make specific analysis of one day of data in a few hours.
QLA : the ground calibration case
Planck Database KST Perl scripts QLA architecture: calibration User disk HFI-DMC XML Display ASCII
KST Real-time display and manipulation of streaming data Support for several data formats including: HFI-DMC V1 (PIOLIB), ASCII, FITS,… Quick zooming and scrolling Built-in –high-speed equation interpreter –filtering –curve fitting –power spectrum –histogram –electronic logbook Extensible via plugins Scripting language KST has been used for QLA of Boomerang and BLAST Web page : –Open-source software. –Current version is (version 2.0 expected in Feb. 2007) –Development by CITA/Toronto under Canadian Space Agency contract
QLA Perl scripts Produce XML defining KST sessions –These scripts are called at the command line –Several parameters : channels, date, display options… –KST is launched automatically System flexible and fully validated during ground tests. Allows to be independant from the KST development team : important for local implementation and debugging Will be used to create KST sessions for operations
QLA - status Development of KST done by CITA/Toronto under Canadian Space Agency contract. –Close interaction between CITA and instrument team. Integration with Level 1 and development of specific calibration/operation screens done at IAS/Orsay. Developments done meet QLA requirements Heavily tested and validated during calibration (4 months of operations) Remaining work : –Porting to HFI-DMC V2 –Specific screens for operations –Maintenance of KST done on a regular basis
Trend-Analysis: requirements 1.Compute statistical properties of TS over given period 2.Compute Ring from TS and create noise TS. 3.Compute PSD of noise and fit it with model. 4.Estimate gain calibration for each bolometer –Need a reference to compare to : Sky Predictor 5.Estimate Helium level and mission lifetime 6.Produce daily reports of instrument health 7.Compute time of a few hours for 1 day of data. 8.Interface with HFI-DMC. 9.User guide 10.CMT
Sky-Predictor : requirements 1.Predict one day of data for all bolometers in less than 3 hours. 2.Read pointing information in Level 1 format (quaternion) using HFI-DMC. 3.Read bolometers properties from IMO. 4.Compute dipoles 5.Read foregrounds maps from Planck Sky Model (Healpix format) – Dust – Free-free – Synchrotron – Spinning dust – Point sources (galactic and extra-galactic) 6.Compute Time-Stamped (TS) for dipoles and each foreground. 7.Compute TS for planets (ephemerids from SLAlib and flux using LevelS). 8.User manual 9.CMT
Planck Sky Model Trend Database Trend Analysis Sky Predictor Operations architecture Planck Database KST Perl scripts User disk HFI-DMC XML Display ASCII Reports XML HFI-DMC Healpix HFI-DMC Done In progress
Planck Database Sky Predictor Planck Sky Model Trend Database Noise Analyser Pointing TS Simulated TS Calibration Estimator Stat Data HK and Science TS Pointing and Science TS Helium Surveyor HK TS TA/SP architecture Science TS Done In progress
Planck Sky Model Simulations of all-sky maps (Healpix) in Planck bands for Galactic foregrounds (free-free, synchrotron, thermal and spinning dust). –External templates (IRAS and DIRBE, Halpha, 408 MHz, WMAP, CO, HI) –Models to extrapolate in frequency Compatible with WMAP data No instrumental effects (beam, noise, scanning strategy) Model use by the component separation group (WG2). Interface with LevelS in progress
30 GHz 70 GHz 143 GHz 353 GHz Planck Sky Model
Calibration estimate
Noise analyser Remove the ring averaged TS from the data Compute power spectrum of residual –Knee frequency, alpha, white noise level, lines Raw data Raw data - ring averaged Power spectrum
TA / SP : status Trend Analysis and Sky Predictor –C code Delivered in June 2006 by Noveltis (Toulouse) –Meets SGS1 requirements –Tested on Red Hat 8 and Fedora Core 3 –Code and User’s Guide on CVS: Task_pkg/HL2_TrendAnaly/SkyPred Compilation Makefile (CMT to come) –Development has been done in a modular way while limiting the disk access (performance issues) –Code from L2 has been used when possible. Visualisation : validated and operational (KST) Planck Sky Model : validated and operational Development team : following Noveltis’s work –Toronto : G. Staikos, B. Netterfield, C. MacTavish and B. Crill –France : M.A. Miville-Deschênes, J.P. Bernard, L. Montier
Remaining work and schedule QLA Port to HFI-DMC V204/2007 Specific operation screens12/2007 Trend Analysis / Sky Predictor Port to HFI-DMC V204/2007 XML reports module06/2007 Performance speed-up06/2007 Interface with APPL / Point. Lib.08/2007 Helium level module10/2007 Solar system objects / zod. light11/2007 Final tests and installation at IAS11/2007
Operations vs calibration During calibration calculations were done –At the PIOlib level (transfer function) –With built-in KST functions (power spectrum) –With KST plugins (FTS data) During operations: –Visualisation of stream of raw data with QLA –Trend analysis (TA) and Sky Predictor (SP): Heavier computation than for calibration Calculations on one day of data will be done in external executables. Results will be saved in DB and displayed with KST. –Production of daily and weekly reports using results of TA Calibration estimate Noise properties Pointing accuracy Helium level