The Problem Employers hiring and unable to find workers. Skill gap in current workforce. Long term unemployed seeking employment.
Inspiration Ready Now ThumbWorks! Program
Company Input What skills are important? Where are the largest skill gaps? What are you looking for (e.g. skills, abilities, etc.) when hiring?
Company Commitment Companies committed to assist in the following areas: Curriculum Development Instruction Employer Panel Interviews Hiring
Curriculum MCC and the companies worked together to design curriculum to meet entry level skill needs. Blueprint Reading Industrial Safety Industrial Math: Foundational Principles Industrial Math: Practical Use Machining Operations Manufacturing Measurement Tools
Instruction Companies provided instructors for the courses. If an instructor was not identified by the companies involved, then MCC provided a qualified instructor. MCC assisted instructors with curriculum/classroom material. MCC assisted instructors with the creation of an outcome assessment to measure learning.
Employer Panel Companies participating in the program committed to participate in the employer panel. The employers shared what skills (including soft skills) were important for employment at their organization. Served as an introduction for the program.
Interviews Participating companies agreed to interview participants that completed the program. Michigan Works! identified program participants that best matched the skills/abilities that the company was seeking. Applicants screened for OJT eligibility.
Hiring Participating companies agreed that if a participant met their hiring requirements that they may hire to fill their employment needs.
Program Flyer
Manufacturing Principles Certificate Certificates were issued to participants who successful completed (including outcome assessment): Blueprint Reading & Usage Industrial Math: Foundational Principles & Practical Use Industrial Safety Machining Operations Manufacturing Measurement Tools
Partnerships Michigan Works! provided instruction in: Employability Skill Building Resume Building Interview Skills & Preparation MCC provided: Instructors Lunch EightCAP Community Services & Meijer provided gas vouchers/gas cards
Results After 3 months… Montcalm – 76% employed Ionia – 67% Employed
The Future Five Day Path to Success MCC’s Director of Student and Community Outreach will share MCC recruitment information, including financial aid. MCC will have all participants complete an MCC application. MCC will COMPASS test all participants.
All Future Students Will Leave With… Manufacturing or Finance/Customer Service Principles Course Updated Resume Improved Interview Skills Interview Appointments MCC Information. They will be an accepted student and have completed entrance testing.
The Future Expanding the program to other employment areas. – Finance/Customer Service Responding to local bank hiring needs. Curriculum has been defined: – Basic Math Skills (Cash Handling) – Basic Computer (Excel) – Cross/Up Selling & Business Ethics – Customer Service – Security/Work Safety