Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group NOISE ABATEMENT STRATEGIES Alternatives and Results New Zion Baptist Church Neighborhood Orientation and Discussion November 12, 2001
Area the previous noise program was approved to leave above Federal noise standards by Area actually exceeding Federal noise standards in 1998, as measured in the current noise study. FORECAST 1997 CONDITIONS, VERSUS ACTUAL 1998 CONDITIONS an object lesson
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group KEY PROBLEMS ·first look at hard data on new runway operations ·non-attainment of approved noise exposure ·impact above Federal standards in neighborhoods near the airport
FLIGHT TRACKS four days of arrivals from the north
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group KEY PROBLEMS ·first look at hard data on new runway operations ·non-attainment of approved noise exposure ·impact above Federal standards in neighborhoods near the airport ·no standardized flight routes (“spaghetti”) ·liberal use of visual flight rules ·frequent exceptions to approach altitudes
Area the previous noise program was approved to leave above Federal noise standards by DNL 60 contour estimated for perspective. Area actually exceeding Federal noise standards in 1998, as measured in the current noise study. DNL 60 contour added for perspective. FORECAST 1997 CONDITIONS, VERSUS ACTUAL 1998 CONDITIONS an object lesson no easy cure...
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group CHALLENGES ·find near-in corridors where people don’t live ·avoid sensitive facilities as much as possible ·prescribe standard flight routes ·displaced arrival thresholds ·noise abatement flight procedures ·limit uncontrolled visual approaches ·eliminate exceptions for standard approach altitudes and, most of all, ·CHECK!
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group STRATEGIES ·big package of common measures ·different mixes of runway use to find best results north of the airport ·prefer 17L/35R ·prefer 17L/35R only daytime ·no preference ·prefer 17R/35L ·different departure routes to find best results south of the airport ·divergence by destination ·maximum divergence ·minimum divergence ·careful implementation and oversight ·mechanism for review and enhancement; “living program”
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group RESULTS ·Federal critical contour trades yellow for white ·Extended contour trades mostly yellow for white ·Overexposed people and households differ by factor of four ·Overexposed sensitive facilities differ by factor of three ·Peak noise levels drop almost everywhere away from flight paths
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group RESULTS Key Statistics
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group OBSERVATIONS ·potential reduction in noise exposure is dramatic ·Louisville’s own program ·A grassroots effort that can show real results ·but - what else can we do? ·action beyond the contours ·mitigation ·oversight, and enhancement - make this a living program
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group NEXT STEPS ·flight track management to depth of Louisville airspace ·enhanced standard arrival and departure specs ·evaluate prospects for ‘reverse flow’ at selected times ·displaced arrival thresholds ·noise abatement flight procedures … etc. And then there’s mitigation, implementation, and documentation. Much work remains. Let’s get to it!