Agenda – 9/11/2013/ Wednesday Howard J Rattliff, Jr. – Principles of Technology - Course #
Legend: Instructor Class Individuals Assignment/ Discussions SME = Subject Matter Expert,, Rm On Campus Dress: Business Casual StartEnd Topic/Discussion Teacher / Instructor Duratio n Time Elapse Time Counter 1:251:30 Meeting Final Checks (and Dial in - Not Applicable) Howard Rattliff 0:050:00 1:301:35 > -- Welcome - Introductions of any /Guests? Howard Rattliff 0:05 1:351:40 Class Roster (1st 10 minutes of Class) Howard Rattliff 0:050:10 1:401:45 Unit Agenda for Today & Logistics Howard Rattliff 0:050:15 1:451:50 Review of Last Class - Key Notes or Learning Objectives / CLASS QUESTIONS?? Howard Rattliff 0:050:20 1:502:00 Lab Protocols (expanded rules) Howard Rattliff 0:100:30 2:002:20 Cont'd (Computer Applications Lab 1. Intial Setup etc 2) User Log on and Excel Worksheets) Howard Rattliff 0:200:50 2:202:25 Class Syllabus Overview (draft hand out) / Class Input Key Projects or Assignments Howard Rattliff 0:050:55 2:252:30 Next steps and assignments (Unit 9) Assignments Reminder / Next Class Look- Ahead Howard Rattliff 0:051:00 1. Assignment Use UME instructor website to view /access lecture notes; 2 Read posted article on STEM. 3 Identify upcoming assignment where this class might help you.
Review Notes from Previous Lecture and Feedback: 1.Log in Usernames and Passwords assigned a)Initial log in performed successfully. Set new password. b)Everyone needs to remembers their security password !!! Write it down if until you remember it. NOTE: Normally this is not allowed unless what you write it down in is secured (it self is password or physically secure (locked key, etc) Your cell phone note pad with a cell phone security password code enable is okay. 2.Reviewed log in and began to Navigate Excel Workbook/worksheets a)Created or added new worksheets b)Was to save to H drive?
4 Class Exercise !! 1.Basic Navigation 2.The Language of Excel Workbook and Worksheets
5 Computer Usage /Log in -Username and Passwords!!! Student Log-in information is available Today!!! The official class rosters are in WebSmart are still in work but Mr Shafer has assigned both user id and initial passwords to each student in our class. Please thank Mr Shafer!!! User id = is all lowercase and consist of alphanumeric characters ( 1 st letter of 1 st name & lastname & last two digits of year of your High School graduating year (e.g. for 2017 > 17) For example: Initial User Password = the mixed case 1 st letter cap “P” and then all lowercase & current year as in “ P assword2013” Final Password = Alpha-numerical characters. Once you log in the system will ask you to reset your password to one you can remember Please manage your password. Do not share it with anyone. Please remember it at all times. Mr Shafer EMPHASIZED awareness of 2 items: 1.employee IT policy in the Teacher Handbook, 2.go over the Student IT usage policy in the Student Handbook prior to the use of any district technology.
6 Housekeeping / Rules during Computer Use (pg 1of 2) 1.Keep the noise levels down during transitions (from Lecture to LAB exercise and projects). 2.Stay on task – no wandering (don’t open other software on PC and certainly no internet surfing Demerits 3.Follow the steps in the exercise. Make notes to ask questions during the post exercise review What did you learn? Class discussion of results. 4.If you are finish with your exercise – Assist someone else. Do “ what if” to see if they really go it. Let them repeat the steps on their own as you observe what they do. Be patient. Don’t expect them to do it exactly as you did it. “ Everyone internalizes the steps to learning something new differently. Are they doing the key steps to succeed? Are they using the right terminology at the right time? Explain and then Listen carefully !! Listen and Learn -- Stay open because you can learn from them too.
7 Housekeeping / Rules during Computer Use ( pg 2 of 2) 5.No flash drives or memory sticks 6.For now continue using the same PC. If the PC has a problem I want to write it down and submit it on the ( Hwd/Sw Anomaly Form) (See NEXT CHART) 7.No Printing - yet. The printing of exercises and result will be deferred for now. Per Mr Horton.. All classroom computer are defaulted to print to Ms Wendy office ( printer near the door). Anything not claimed that day will be thrown away.
8 Computer Anomaly* Form (Rm 219) Problem Description: ( HW/SW) Recommended Solution: Machine id#: Date: Your Name: Anomaly* = suspected problem or discrepancy. Always needs to be verified or confirmed.
9 1.Application Program is Microsoft Office – 2010 is what we are using as the application environment. In Excel 2010, the maximum worksheet size is: Worksheet = a Table of Data (we discussed a Table). Data in Rows and Column ( Table Dimensions is max number of Rows x max number of Columns) e.g 18 x 4 was used for our class table sorting exercise. Id#/First name /lastname/ Rank Order by Lastname. 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns. Work Sheets (Sheets) in a workbook Limited by available memory (default is 3 sheets); Max # of Open workbooks Limited by available memory and system resources. a)New versions available (office 2013) older versions – 2007/2003/ office xp b)Home and Student versions - $139 /Business versions - $219 / so-called professional versions - $399 and Subscription versions -$99 for one year (then renew) etc. c)Office 356 is new workgroup or office (distributed license server cloud version) The PC - Assessing or evaluating where you are now ??
10 Powering Up the PC - Class Protocol 1 (rules/etiquette observed ) 1.Go silently and orderly to computers- and sit down. Any PC will do. 2. Look for power on /off for Display or Monitor - Turn on Monitor 3. Look for power on /off button on Desktop – Turn on Computer Results: Default USER Log on screen appears Note: When Mr. Shafer assigns you your user id and temporary Password we can begin your initial Log on (will ask you to change your password to something more secure). Save that pwd and use it to log in in the future. 4.As mentioned earlier we are waiting on the enrollment system to feed Mr Shafer the information to generate user id, etc - Expected Mid Sept ( 1 to 2 weeks max ) (we are 1 st on the list. CLASS EXERCISE: Reverse Step and Turn off equipment approximately 10 minutes before end of each class.. Don’t Forget.
11 Element of Speaking the Language of Technology Microsoft EXCEL !! Key Learning Objectives: Student Discussion
12 The Excel Workbook (multiple worksheets) Worksheet names (default qty is 3) Active Cell Column letters Row numbers Column Cell selector (the intersection of Column and Row) Sheet tabs Formula Bar Name box (identifies active cell)
13 Recap of Last Exercise Drive storage and directory path? Where are we going ? The double back slash \\ (\\H3) ( inside your premises) vs The double forward slash // ( to the outside internet). Back slash \ and forward / are part of navigating to the right location (directory, devices and folders) etc. The hard drive The desktop The Personal Account Network drive ( the H Drive) The USB port (thumb drive) Saved file to H drive to your personal address space. You can create folders, save files etc.
14 Id or record # CLASS Performance Time (min:sec) LAPTOP Operator Performance Time (min:sec) Performance ( Calculated Field) % + or - Comments: 12:10 (130 seconds) 00:30 (30 seconds) Isabella (Grace) Jeffries 2 Id or record # CLASS Performance Time (min:sec) LAPTOP Operator Performance Time (min:sec) Performance ( Calculated Field) % + or - Comments: 12:10 (130 seconds) 00:30 (30 seconds) Isabella (Grace) Jeffries 2 Arranging the DATA Example: Sort Name List or Table Alphabetical Characters RESULTS: A COMPARATIVE APPROACH : ANALYSIS OF DATA RESULTS : Id or record # CLASS Performance Time (min:sec) LAPTOP Operator Performance Time (min:sec) Performance ( Calculated Field) % + or - Comments: 12:10 (130 seconds) 00:30 (30 seconds) Isabella (Grace) Jeffries 2 Y = f (X) …… An algebraic function! The table establishes or records a relationship between the Y and X The independent variable is x. Normally the name or Title of the observation or measurement event Y X The dependent variable isY. Normally the measurement event Computer did not recognize a misspelled Name (Brain for Brian) ?? Max table dimensions: 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns 16,384 columns 1,048,576 rows
15 The Excel Workbook (multiple worksheets) Worksheet names (default qty is 3) Active Cell Column letters Row numbers Column Cell selector (the intersection of Column and Row) Sheet tabs Formula Bar Name box (identifies active cell)
16 Review and Discussion (Sharing) of Learning Key Learning Objectives: 1.Log on 2.Password Management 3.Basic Excel Navigation /Work book /Worksheets Tabs/ Saving to Your protected & designated storage area. Your H: drive, Create folders and save or retrieve work files/projects store and access common programming resources that you will need across projects ( common images (UME Prep icon image, buttons types/ layouts or file templates want to refer back to and reuse). Your development library. 4.Do not save to the Windows PC Desktop or MY DOCUMENTS folders! Always look a the path to determine where the doc is being saved! When we program you will have to be aware of where each reference document or data file is located.
17 Exercise – Exercise – Default Setting in Excel
Excel Default Settings (similar settings including Powerpoint and Word) Viewing Setting and Configuration? MAIN MENU BAR in Office 2010 EXCEL FILE/HOME/INSERT/PAGE LAYOUT/FORMULAS/DATA/REVIEW/VIEW Menubar --- FILE/options/general >> Applies to particular doc (Excel uses the term “workbook “ but else where in other technology tools, other terms might be used such as (workspace / a project ) Menubar --- FILE/options/formula >> Menubar --- FILE/options/save >> Menubar --- FILE/options/advanced>> Commonly used Settings Saving Settings address the things we do most often in the applications environment ( using the applications and development (programming) etc) Worksheet Settings The Tool bar Programming