Welfare Reform Update Sue Sutton
Current position (end Sept 13) 1233 tenants under occupying. 73% are tenants under occupying are in arrears. (44% were in arrears at end March 2013.) £346,003 value of arrears for tenants who are under occupying. This has increased £ since April. Last 4 weeks under occupancy arrears have decreased. 38 tenants have downsized as a result of under occupancy since April 2013 – 24 transfers and 14 mutual exchanges No reduction in demand for properties.
Resources and support 4 under occupancy patches with 4 income officers dedicated to managing these tenancies and providing support. Trained to use Home Search and help people downsize. Money Advice Team in place – provide money advice and budgeting support. Increased team to 1 Money Advice Co-ordinator and 4 Money Advice Officers. We also have 1 welfare rights and debt advice officer.
Resources and support Hardship fund – following DHP or where DHP refused. Also linking this to employment courses Smarter Buys Store Carrying out visits to all tenants receiving a DHP to explore options Downsizing support – officer support to help bid, downsizing budget and support for mutual exchanges. Advice and support on taking in a lodger.
Universal credit Working across the SHP Away day with all staff – MECC Payment methods – phone app, payment kiosk Credit Union – development of Jam Jar Accounts Digital inclusion pilot Information sources