April 8, 2006 Introduction to RockNet Jonathan Walker Roald Schrack Bob Ekman
April 8, Agenda RockNet Mission City Relationship Services Web Links Web Hosting Lists Web Camera Wireless Internet Access Consultation Web Pages Wireless Internet Access
April 8, RockNet Rockville Community Network Non-Profit Corporation (501(c)(3)) Founded in 1996 All volunteer board and administration Web site: Since 1997 Over 600 visitors a day Meetings: 3rd Thursday of month at City Hall Anyone invited to participate
April 8, Mission To promote communications between citizens, community groups, businesses, and the Rockville city government. We support connections to your neighbors, your communities, and local information resources through Internet technologies, including a web site and an list server. We are building a network with a community focus that provides a presence for organizations that are under- represented on the web. Your RockNet.
April 8, City Relationship City provides the servers, software, and Internet connection for our online services. We maintain the server content (web pages, lists, etc.). City provides support for meetings and system administration. We help the City with new technology and related initiatives. We complement City services.
April 8, Services Web Page Links Web Page Hosting List Server Web Camera Wireless Internet Access Community Calendar (planned) Consultation and Advice
April 8, Home Page
April 8, Second Level Web Page
April 8, Web Page Links RockNet web pages link to many other web sites that relate to the RockNet mission. If you would like a link to your web site, send a note to Must provide service to Rockville citizens through the Internet. Non-profit organizations may be listed without a link.
April 8, Web Page Hosting Web space for non-profit organizations that are associated with Rockville. Options: RockNet administrator will post your web pages, or You can administer your pages directly. User Accounts – forms online FTP (File Transfer) upload/download Separate directories for production and test.
April 8, List Server A way you can communicate with others in the Rockville on-line community. A "list" is a group of addresses such that by sending a note to a single account, all members of the list get a copy of the note. Some lists are “open” to all, some are “closed”. General discussion list is you need to join first We can set up one for your group, but you need to administer it from the web.
April 8, Web Camera Webcam pointed at downtown development Mounted on Victoria Condominiums Refreshed every minute Archived every hour Started October 1, 2004
April 8, Web Camera Images October 1, 2004 February 1, 2005 June 1, 2005 October 1, 2005 February 1, 2006
April 8, Wireless Internet Access Wireless Internet access at the Regal Row in downtown Rockville Setup Register on-line Unplugging Video
April 8, Web Page Consultation You need a web administrator We can help with design and structure issues Think of it as a journalist task Keep it simple, clean, user friendly Consider your audience – your community Grow your skills and your web site Planning a web author class
April 8, Web Page Example
April 8, Web Page Markup Language (HTML) Your Organization's Name Your Organization's Name Introduction to your organization. The mission and purpose of your organization. Calendar Members and Officers Meeting Minutes Newsletters
April 8, Web Site Tools Browser: Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox Editor: Nvu (free), FrontPage ($), Dreamweaver ($$) File Transfer: WS_FTP Use the material on our CD and try to build a page now!
April 8, Web Page Tips Keep it simple. Plan to revise some of your pages frequently. Use obvious navigation techniques. Keep material free of litigation inducing comments. Important information should be toward the top. Use high contrast, few fonts, color schemes. Relate pages to Rockville Maryland. Indicate page owner and contact information. Use photos, limit graphics.