‘Ongea Zaidi na Salama’ Using mobile phone networks to improve Condom Social Marketing in Tanzania mHealth Working Group, Feb. 2011
PSI Tanzania Globally connected, Locally engaged Registered in Tanzania since 1993 as a not for profit trust Part of a network of 67 PSI country platforms Using commercial markets to improve the health of low income and vulnerable people Decentralized management Rigorous measurement of performance “Healthy Lives, Measurable Results 2
Condom Social Marketing Over 85 million condoms in 2009 –PSI and T-Marc >100,000 outlets selling condoms Range of brands available 3
Problem statement Condom distribution works on a ‘push’ rather than ‘pull’ system –Relies on PSI teams to make deliveries –Low value of subsidized condoms – do not generate significant turnover for retailer –Prioritize other products (biscuits, batteries, sugar etc) –Retailers not worried if they stock out of condoms How can PSI motivate retailers to actively ensure condoms are consistently available in their outlets? 4
Opportunity High mobile phone ownership in target group (PSI Map survey data 2009) –Urban retailers: > 80% mobile phone ownership –Rural retailers: > 70% mobile phone ownership Growing number of sms applications make users more confident Mobile phone companies willing –Three largest out of five participating in scheme –Cash transfer systems in existence 5
mSolution PSI created a ‘loyalty reward scheme’ –Similar to Airmiles, or mobile phone ‘talk more’ scheme Retailers find scratch card in condom dispenser –retail unit, 24 x packs of three condoms –scratchcard has hidden, unique10 digit number Retailers register (one-off step) on system –Submit sms with ward, district & outlet type Retailers submit scratchcard number by sms System rewards retailers with airtime –Retailers rewarded at initial registration and for each scratch card number submitted –‘Loyalty bonuses’ for every 10th card submitted 6
7 To enroll: EnrollScratchReward jisajili*kata*wilaya* To enroll, SMS the following string Enroll*ward*district*type of outlet SMS code Type of outlet SMS codes: Type 1 for kiosk Type 2 shop (duka) Type 3 bar/guesthouse Type 4 drugstore (duka la dawa) Type 5 pharmacy Type 6 NGO/Institution Send to 15077
8 To submit a scratch card EnrollScratchReward Psi* To submit scratch card, SMS the following: psi* Send to Purchase dispenser of condoms; find scratch card inside; scratch off foil to reveal unique 10 digit number
Why is this information useful? Provides data on product availability by ward –Nationally, and instantly up to date –Ward level population data exists; HIV prevalence data can be estimated –There are over 3,000 wards in Tanzania Key indicator to track: –Sales per head of population (and per risk factor - % HIV prevalence) 9
Expected improvements Improved targeting of interventions Improved trade promotions Improved staff motivation Improved partnering Improved monitoring Improved reporting 10
Process System development –Tender process – May 2008 –Voxiva selected – July 2008 –Systems requirements defined – Aug-Dec 2008 –Payment system developed – mid 2009 Pilot phase (Nov ‘09 to Jan ’10) National roll out underway Radio campaign planned for June
Web portal access 12
Results to date Registration growing –830 enrolled in system in May 2010 –30,000 enrolled by November 4 th 2010 Of those, 27,400 are active All regions are reporting 13
Availability of condoms per head of population living with HIV Results from Pilot Activity in Bagamoyo, Nov 2009 to Jan 2010 Example Report 14
Links to other activities GPS report - February 2010 activities – PSI/Tanzania 15
Challenges faced Defining requirements Negotiations with mobile companies Payment amounts small per unit (per retailer) but large in aggregate Surprisingly hard to find * key Cost of scratch cards Recruitment of database administrator Data not useful until scale is achieved Accuracy of data entry 16
The future Achieve scale Adjust retailer/wholesaler/distributor rewards based on performance Create new incentives for PSI field teams Conduct regular sms surveys with retailers Develop new NGO partnerships Roll out to other health products –Family planning, malaria, diarrheal disease 17
Thank you!! **For more information on Ongea Zaidi na Salama, please contact: Daniel Crapper PSI Tanzania 18