Interviews and Interviewing Skills P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Interview Interview noun / ˈɪ n.t ə.vju ː / Definition: a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or a course. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Types of Interviews Followed by applications with CV Walk In P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Necessities Good academic background. Self Confidence. Good subject knowledge. Proper conduction of yourself. Leaving a positive impression. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Stages of the Interview BEGINNING Preliminaries like greetings/introduction/opening remarks etc. MIDDLE Actual exchange of questions/answers. END Concluding remarks/questions by interviewee/taking leave etc. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Preparing for the interview Brush up your subject knowledge. Update on some recent developments. Know the organization/its products etc. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Preparing for an Interview… P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Preparing for the interview… Prepare the answers to some common questions: Tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be with us? Why do you want to change your present job? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Are you willing to travel? What are your salary expectations? P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Preparing for the interview… P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra) Be well groomed.
Dress properly to suit the occasion. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Preparing for the interview… Arrange your certificates properly. Reach the venue early and make yourself familiar with the surroundings. Get acquainted with other candidates also. Think positively. Breath easy. Be calm. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Some Dos and Don’ts Dos: Wait for your name to be announced. Seek permission before you enter. Greet the interviewers formally. Make eye contact and be calm and composed. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Some Dos and Don’ts Dos: Maintain a proper posture and a steady tone of voice. Listen carefully. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Some Dos and Don’ts Don’ts: Don’t sit down until you are asked to sit. Don’t ask questions just to impress but only if they are genuine queries. Don’t repeat yourself or have long silences/gap-fillers. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Some Dos and Don’ts Don’t boast/ display your knowledge. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Some Dos and Don’ts Don’ts: Don’t be embarrassed to say you don’t know. Don’t argue. Don’t leave the room without permission. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Any Questions ? P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Interviewing Techniques Get information on the candidate’s educational as well as personal background, his/her area of work, experience, etc. Be clear about the purpose for which the interview is conducted. For example: To select a candidate for a position, To get expert opinion or To talk to a celebrity about his or her life and work. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Greet the interviewee politely and end the interview by thanking the person. Be polite, friendly and interested, not critical, aggressive or intimidating. Use a variety of questions—yes—no as well as Q— word P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra) Interviewing Techniques
P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)
Vary your approach slightly when conducting interviews of different kinds. Make an effort to put the interviewee at ease especially in a job interview. Interviews conducted to seek expert opinion are usually very formal. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra) Interviewing Techniques
Interviews with celebrities could be chatty and informal. When interviewing dignitaries or persons in authority, use less direct questions. Except when conducting a radio or a television interview, it is useful to make quick, brief notes. P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra) Interviewing Techniques
Any Questions ? P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon (Maharashtra)