WELCOME to 5 th grade! Ms. Macaluso’s Classroom Expectations and Procedures
My Teaching Expectations Academic –Try your best! –If needed, ask for help! –Work hard independently and in groups! Behavior –Always be respectful of yourself and everyone else! –I expect you to follow our rules, procedures and guidelines for success. –Have a positive attitude! We are at school to have fun and enjoy learning! –+ –++
Classroom Rules (some of our rules and guidelines of success are the same!) Our Rules 1.Respect yourself and others! 2.Come to class prepared and ready to learn! 3.Make good decisions! Be responsible for your decisions and actions. 4.Be safe. 5.Always try your best! Never give up! If you have trouble following the rules, procedures, or guidelines for success, I will help you to get back on track with an individualized plan. A newsletter that explains these rules was sent out to your families. Guidelines for success! Respect yourself and others! Always try your best. Do not be embarrassed to ask for clarification or help. You have control over your actions! Make good decisions. Be a positive thinker! Be optimistic! Be a good citizen in our classroom community, your local community, and the world community. Embrace diversity. You must realize that everyone is different. No two people are the same. This is what makes the world so fascinating and interesting!
Classroom Procedures! We have procedures for: Arriving to class Being Absent Going to snack and lunch Group work End of the day
Arriving to Class When you arrive to class: Turn in your homework to the “Homework Basket”. Begin the morning work that is written on the white board. Sometimes, these are math problems, writing prompts, silent reading, etc! When you finish your work, take out a book and silently read until the teacher gives the signal that class is starting. The teacher will take attendance when the bell rings! Make sure that you are on time and in your seat when it rings.
Arriving to Class Late When you arrive to class late: Check in at the office. Get a late slip from the office staff and come to class. Come into our classroom quietly, hand the teacher your late pass, turn in homework to the basket, and unpack your materials (still quietly). Begin the morning work that is written on the white board if the class is still working on it. If you finish your work, take out a book and silently read until the teacher gives the signal that class is starting.
Being Absent Our classroom will have a folder that will contain work for students that were absent. If you were absent, please take your work out of the folder and complete it within the amount of days that you were absent. Example: if you were gone for 2 days, you have 2 days to make up the work. If you know what days that you will be absent ahead of time, please let me know and I will give you the work for the days that you will miss in advance. This allows you to not have extra work when you return to class! Always remember that I or your peers can help you if you need help understanding what you missed in class when you were gone. Do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it!
Classroom Signal The signal that I use is called “Give me Five”. This signal lets students know that the teacher needs your attention. –+ –++
Going to snack or lunch Always push in your chair! When it is time for snack, wait for the teacher to dismiss you. You may then head outside for snack. When it is time for lunch, the teacher will give the classroom signal. When I have your attention, I will ask you to line up at the door by dismissing you table by table. Walk to line up! I will then lead you down the hall to the cafeteria. Remember that you are now 5 th graders! You know how to silently walk in a line to show respect for the classrooms that are still working that we will walk by.
Group Work When we are working in groups: Be responsible for your group’s work and your own work! If you need help, ask 3 before me! If you ask 3 people (members in your group or other groups) your question and they also do not know the answer, please come to me and I will assist you. The noise level will vary depending on what activity we are doing. Listen to the teacher to inform you of what level of noise is appropriate. Remember to look for the class signal incase the teacher needs your attention.
End of the Day Remember to check the board for any homework assignments. Wait for the teacher to dismiss you. You may then pack up your materials and clean your desk. Push in your chair and walk as you leave the classroom. Enjoy the rest of your day!
If we all follow these procedures well, we will have a successful year! Our days will be more fun and productive! –+ –++