Web 2.0 September 2008
Definition Web 1.0 ► ► Static Web pages, the use of search engines, and surfing Web 2.0 ► ► Web-only applications, information served to the user, user interaction with online information
Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0 ► ► Netscape vs. Google ► ► Ofoto vs. Flickr ► ► Personal Web sites vs. Blogger ► ► MapQuest vs. Google Maps
Web 1.0: The Read Web Producers needed: ► ► HTML coding skills ► ► Programming skills ► ► Graphic design skills ► ► Hosting server ► ► Advertising methods
Web 2.0: The Read/Write Web ► ► Simplified online content creation ► ► Users can focus on ► ► Ideas ► ► Creativity ► ► Collaboration ► ► Technical know-how unimportant ► ► Usually publicly accessible
What really separates it: ► ► Combine data from various sources Flickr-tagged restaurant pictures Reviews in the comments Google map locators ► ► The Web site has no data of its own
Vocabulary Alert! RSS: Really Simple Syndication ► ► Family of Web feed file formats in XML ► ► Provides content or summaries AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript And XML ► ► Creation of interactive Web applications ► ► Minimal server interaction, so it is fast
Will Richardson… ► ► …the most sweeping change in our relationship with the Internet may not be as much with the ability to publish as it is the ability to share and connect and create with many, many others of like minds and interests.
Wiki ► ► wiki wiki: Hawaiian for “quick” Two main components 1. Easy to create and view revisions 2. Allows anyone to add, edit, remove pbWiki, Wikispaces, etc
Welcome to Google Sites ► ogin?continue=http%3A%2F%2Fsites.googl e.com%2F&continue2=http%3A%2F%2Fsit es.google.com%2F&continue1=http%3A%2 F%2Fsites.google.com%2F&service=jotspot &passive=true&ul=1 ogin?continue=http%3A%2F%2Fsites.googl e.com%2F&continue2=http%3A%2F%2Fsit es.google.com%2F&continue1=http%3A%2 F%2Fsites.google.com%2F&service=jotspot &passive=true&ul=1 ogin?continue=http%3A%2F%2Fsites.googl e.com%2F&continue2=http%3A%2F%2Fsit es.google.com%2F&continue1=http%3A%2 F%2Fsites.google.com%2F&service=jotspot &passive=true&ul=1
Google Sites Simple, secure group websites Share information with a few people, a whole organization, or the entire world. Create rich web pages easily Collect all your info in one place Control who can view and edit
Photo & video sharing sites ► ► Pictures/videos can be tagged ► ► Search pictures/videos ► ► Allows pictures/videos to be posted ► ► Viewers can leave comments
The New Visual Literacy ► ► Navigate, evaluate, communicate ► ► Access to world class photography ► ► Social networking components ► ► Creative Commons licenses ► ► Video creation and sharing
Flickr: opening page ►
g.ho.st: webtop ► ► A virtual desktop with many features ► ►
Zamzar ► ► An online file conversion tool ► ► Convert to many formats ► ► the converted file to yourself ► ►
Google Docs & Spreadsheets ► ► Browserware: stored on a server ► ► 500 kb per document & 2 MB images ► ► Collaborate on a document in real-time ► ► Publish to a Web page or to a blog ► ► Drag-and-drop editing and spellcheck ► ► RSS feed and URL provided ► ► Can the document ► ► Can save documents locally, too
Peepel ► ► A free online office suite of tools ► ► Multiple windows can be open ► ► Runs directly in the browser ► ► Coming: Sharing Collaboration Importing ► ►
Writeboard ► ► Shareable, Web-based documents ► ► Online, no account needed ► ► Securely passworded ► ► Easy to invite others to share ► ►
skype ► ► Voice-over-IP (VoIP) program ► ► Can utilize video with the audio ► ► Contains a chat feature ► ► Third-party programs for recording
skrbl ► ► An online interactive whiteboard ► ► Can create one on the fly and invite others ► ► Registered users can share files, too ► ►
Bloglines ► ► Searching online feeds ► ► Subscribing to any online feed ► ► Available online any time ► ► Accessible through mobile devices
Blogger ► ► Used for information-posting and commenting ► ► Simple to create, maintain, and add to a site ► ► Information can be shared easily
Review of common elements ► ► Entirely Web-based ► ► Re-using information services ► ► Significant social component ► ► Sense of ownership and place ► ► User-centric ways of organization ► ► The users are an essential part
What’s Needed: ICT Literacy ► ► Technical skills ► ► Content generation skills ► ► Research skills ► ► Information literacy ► ► Media literacy ► ► Online safety and responsibility
Web 2.0 Applications ► 43 things 43 things 43 things ► del.icio.us del.icio.us ► Jotspot Jotspot ► Wikipedia Wikipedia ► Pageflakes Pageflakes ► Classroom 2.0 Classroom 2.0 Classroom 2.0 ► Gliffy Gliffy ► Bubbl.us Bubbl.us ► ChatMaker ChatMaker ► Zoho Creator (online database) Zoho Creator (online database) Zoho Creator (online database) ► Slideshare Slideshare ► FURL (Jim Wenzloff's FURL User Guide) FURLJim Wenzloff's FURL User Guide FURLJim Wenzloff's FURL User Guide ► Flickr Flickr ► Google Video (Hall Pass) ("lesson plans" search) Google VideoHall Pass"lesson plans" search Google VideoHall Pass"lesson plans" search ► The Linkup The Linkup The Linkup ► voo2do voo2do ► YouOS YouOS ► g.ho.st g.ho.st ► Zamzar Zamzar ► Google Docs & Spreadsheets Google Docs & Spreadsheets Google Docs & Spreadsheets ► Peepel Peepel ► Writeboard Writeboard ► Skype Skype ► skrbl skrbl ► Netvibes Netvibes ► Bloglines Bloglines ► Educational Podcast Network Educational Podcast Network Educational Podcast Network ► Blogger (Kathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch) BloggerKathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch BloggerKathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch ► LetterPop LetterPop ► scrapblog scrapblog ► Go2Web20.net Go2Web20.net ► "Are you blogging this?" "Are you blogging this?" "Are you blogging this?" ► "Web 2.0: The Machine is Using Us" "Web 2.0: The Machine is Using Us" "Web 2.0: The Machine is Using Us"
2007: Web 2.0 Companies I Couldn’t Live Without 2007: Web 2.0 Companies I Couldn’t Live Without -web-20-companies-i-couldnt-live-without/ -web-20-companies-i-couldnt-live-without/