Building a site on the World Wide Web requires more than simply learning the HTML language and starting out. You need to get a place to put your Web pages, a domain name for your website, and to understand the legal issues surrounding Web pages and sites. In this session we can learn how to build a website in 7 steps. Building a website can be a challenging proposition, but there are 7 things you need to do to get your website up and running.
The first step in almost everything is to plan. Start planning your site. You need to decide: 1. Type of site - Most websites are either news /information, product, or reference sites. As such they each have a slightly different focus. 2. Navigation - The navigation affects the information architecture of your site. 3. Content - Content is the actual pages you'll be building. If you can recognize page types, you'll be able to recognize what types of pages you need for your site.
Hosting is where you put your website and all the Web pages. While it's possible to build a website on your personal computer and never move it online, it's somewhat pointless. No one but you will ever be able to see it. So the second thing you'll want to do is find a Web hosting provider. There are several types of Web hosting options you can choose from: 1. Free Web hosts 2. Standard Webhosting 3. Dedicated, Virtual & Shared Hosting
Most of the tools you need to build a website come with your operating system. In fact, there are really only 3 software products you need. When you're looking for a hosting provider there are a few things you should look for: 1. FTP Access 2. Adequate Disk space 3. Reasonable Bandwidth
1. Control Panel 2. PHP 3. Accounts 4. Database 5. Fantastico Exercises: Look for a free web hosting site
A domain name is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of your Web site or your internet address. You don't need a domain name to put up a website. You can put up a site on free hosting or even paid hosting plans without a domain name. A domain name provides extra branding for your site and makes it easier for people to remember the URL. But domain names cost money, typically between $8 and $35 a year. Choose a good domain name 1. Easy to remember 2. Easy to write 3. Unique 4. Short, as much as possible
Building a website requires that you work on one page at a time. To build your site you should be familiar with: Design Basics - The elements of good design and and how to use it on websites. Learning HTML - HTML is the building block of a Web page. While it's not absolutely required, you'll do better if you learn HTML than if you don't. Learning CSS - CSS is the building block of how pages look. And learning CSS will make it easier for you to change your site's look when you need to.
Publishing your website is a matter of getting the pages you created in step 4 up to the hosting provider you set up in step 1. You can do this with either the tools that come with your hosting service or with FTP clients. Knowing which you can use depends upon your hosting provider. Contact them if you are not sure. Exercises:How to upload using FTP Clients
The easiest way to promote your website is through search engine optimization or SEO. You build your Web content so that it ranks well in search engines. This can be very difficult, but it is inexpensive and can result in good results if you work at it.
Maintenance can be the most boring part of website design, but in order to keep your site going well and looking good, you need to do it. Testing your site as you're building it and then after it's been live for a while is important. And you should also work on content development on a regular basis.
1. Copyright 2. Legality of Linking 3. Web Privacy 4. Children Online Protection Act 5. California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003 If you sell things online and some of your customers live in California, you might want totake a look at this article. California passed a law that could make your site in violation if you don't display and prominently promote your privacy policy. 5. California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003 If you sell things online and some of your customers live in California, you might want totake a look at this article. California passed a law that could make your site in violation if you don't display and prominently promote your privacy policy.